Which Individuals May Be Prone to Night Eating Sydrome

Previously published in Examiner

Most Montrealers complain they do not get enough sleep. Yet, sleep affects our physical and mental health. Not having enough sleep affects our mood, our stamina, our home-life and career, and our social relationships.

Sleep is an important human function which is essential for good physical health and good mental health. Even though sleep is so important many Montrealers take sleeping for granted. They either sleep too much or more often than not, sleep less than is recommended for good health. Montrealers will catnap rather than sleep, burn the midnight oil studying, play on the computer, or just insist that they are too busy too sleep.

Conditions that affect sleep, our health, and mental health include such topics as nocturnal eating disorder known as night eating syndrome. For help in the Montreal area for sleep disorders in Montreal click here:

Mount Sinai Hospital Sleep Center

Montreal Sleep Clinic

What factors can trigger night eating syndrome

Possible hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) which can be determined by a glucose tolerant test Habit (conditioned response) An inability to go to sleep unless eating some kind of food.

Who are at risk for getting night eating syndrome?

People who eat more than half of their calorie intake after 8 pm at night People who have an ulcer caused by excessive dieting

People who are morbidly obese, meaning they are over 100 pounds overweight. About 33 percent of these people have this disorder.

Children as well as adults can suffer from nighttime hunger. Children may repeatedly wake up during the night to ask for food or a drink and refuse to go back to sleep until they get it.

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