When My World Stopped (For All the People)

There was a calm…

Absurdly normal,

like a warning signal


A morning of false stillness,

with pale sun

and stale heat.


With a cacophonous


of solace –

of the buildings,

of lives taken,

and of those left alive.


like colorless streamers.


formed by the static of

old, dusty car speakers.

Every wavelength

pitches a panicked alert.

Locked in the closeness

of choked disbelief –

Hazy and trembled,

I jump from the car…

Shakily standing,
blurry and gasping,
I stand on the heat-blistered highway
of mindless traffic
and unaltered noise.

With a
towards vast and varied destinations.
The drive that has deserted me –
Stranded me
in a hub of isolation…
without fuel,
without hope
of ever arriving
at a peaceful resolution.

I stand as the axis
of bustle and motion.
The drone of the highway
is fogged by
my internal focus.
I stand,
completely frozen…
so far from the unheard,
earth-shattering cries
of a tumbled,

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