Turner Over Weprin, an Omen for 2012?

Turner over Weprin, an omen for 2012?

The defeat of Democrat David Weprin in New York’s district 9 House of Representatives seat is going to be looked back on as a watershed moment in the run up to the November 2012 Presidential elections. So many factors are speaking so loudly in this election that it seems almost implausible that Mr. Weprin should have lost at all.

Some of the factors involved in this race are of course the fact that Mr Weprin is a conservative Jew running in a district (parts of the Bronx and Queens) that is over 40% Jewish. This edge is one that has played favorably toward democrats ever since 1921 when the district was created. Since that time no republican has even come close to winning the seat. Another issue facing the special election voters was the fact that the seat was vacated by a notorious and vilified pervert. The previous holder of this office, the appropriately named Anthony Weiner, was shamed out of office after sexting (sending text messages of a sexual nature) pictures of his own male anatomy. I will cease with the descriptions here as this is a family web site. But the voters surely had a bad taste left in their mouths over the disgraceful behavior of this man who I am sure they were glad to be rid of. On another moral note; the democrat, David Weprin, although member of the Jewish community himself, voted as a member of the New York state assembly to approve of homosexual marriage. This went against the majority of voters in the state of New York, and it clearly violates the values of the Jewish community of New York City.

These moral failings of the party and the candidate in and of themselves would likely not have been enough to turn most democrat voters away from their candidate in a normal election cycle. But this cycle is different. To add to these issues, former NYC Mayor Ed Koch (a democrat) endorsed the republican candidate, Bob Turner. In Mayor Koch’s own words, he claimed that it was time to “Send a message to Obama” that his policies were going the wrong direction. Earth to Mr. Obama…Earth to Mr. Obama…come in Mr. Obama. Nah, he is not going to get that message, at least not until 2012. As the bad news continued to come in during the campaign for the democrats, 9-11 was coming around just before the election, and who but “America’s Mayor” would be front and center in the news the weekend just before this special election. So the Hero of Manhattan on 9-11 Mayor Rudolph (Rudy) Giuliani, endorses the republican candidate. So after receiving the mayoral 1-2 punch and the republicans’ chances were looking brighter the democrat was probably still not worried.

Why should David Weprin worry? After all this is a heavily Jewish voting bloc, and he is a Jewish man and his opponent is a 70 year old Catholic. Why would he worry? Again, up rises the policies and pronouncements of the Obama administration and we are in a political age of guilt by association. Here is an example of the fact that in this election and probably in the coming 2012 election, American Jewish voters are going to vote in the best interest of Israel. President Obama has had, at the very least a hands off attitude toward his Israel policy since taking office. Some would even describe it as anti-Israeli. His support in Egypt Syria and now Lybia for anti-Israeli forces and his aid for them to attain power, particularly the “Muslim Brotherhood”, is disturbing if not downright scary to most who support Israel. Couple that with the recent visit earlier this year of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his speech to the joint session of congress. Many Jews may have been watching and comparing Mr. Netanyahu, a real leader with our own president, basically a “community organizer” and wondering, what it must be like to have a real leader as president.

So what are the “Takeaways” from this democrat loss for the 2012 election cycle? First, Mr. Obama you must recognize that according to the American people and even a growing number in your own party; you are on the wrong track in foreign affairs, especially how you are handling the middle-east. If Mr Koch’s defection is of any note, Mr. Obama, you are on the wrong track domestically. And if the link to patriotism, ala 9-11 and Mayor Rudy is of any note, then Mr. Obama, your love for this country is in doubt by many voters. Lastly, Mr. Obama, your repeal of the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” and your likeminded support for the radical homosexual agenda in this country will be losing you many many more votes than it will be earning you. But Mr. Obama, you may be asking…”what does all this mean?” It means that you are destined to be a one term president unless you make some radical shifts in your thinking and in your policies. I doubt that you have it in you to make those shifts and history will show the disaster of electing such a far left ideologue. Perhaps we as a nation will have learned our lesson, perhaps not. But for New York district 9 voters, they have been awakened to this lesson and I for one am grateful. Thank you New York!

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