Treating Urinary Tract Infections from Home – a How to Guide

Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) can be painful experiences. Women are more prone to UTI’s because of the short length of the urethra. More than 50% of women will experience a UTI in her lifetime. From the first signs of irritation and burning during urination, they are unpleasant. Urine can be dark, come with increasingly frequent urges and have a foul odor. I have experienced this condition, and through trial and error and a bit of research, found some simple ways to treat them at home at the first sign.


One of the keys to successfully fighting off a urinary tract infection is proper hydration. Drinking six to eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day will help keep you properly hydrated and your body flushing bacteria from your system. As long as you are not medically instructed to reduce fluid intake, this level of hydration should be maintained to help keep your urinary system healthy. Be cautious with your intake of beverages that could be irritating to the urinary tract. These include coffee, citrus beverages, caffeinated soda and alcohol.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is one of the best home treatments for urinary tract infections. It has been shown that cranberry juice changes the bacteria in the system preventing it from attaching to the cells and creating an active infection. Regular consumption of cranberry juice is best to gain this antibacterial property.


Cotton underwear and loose fitting pants should be used to allow proper ventilation. By using tight fitting jeans or non-cotton underwear, you can unwittingly create a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. This will prolong your infection and discomfort.

Lifestyle Changes

Do not take baths if you are prone to UTI’s. Baths allow bacteria to spread and grow easier. Take showers and wash your genital area thoroughly with soap and water only. Do not use douches or feminine hygiene sprays. These disrupt the bacteria balance within the vaginal area and can lead to an overgrowth of infectious bacteria. Also, make sure that you urinate frequently and empty the bladder each time. Holding in urine will create an environment for bacteria to thrive.

When to See a Doctor

If you are experiencing fever, chills or intense pain, consult a medical professional. If you are pregnant and suspect you have a UTI, consult a medical professional immediately to avoid complications.

Disclaimer: The information contained within this guide is for educational purposes only. Consult a medical professional with any health related issues.

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