Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Aroma Therapy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is very painful and if you suffer from it then you know exactly what I mean. It happens to be a progressive condition which is caused by a pinched nerve in your wrist. There some different factors that can contribute to the cause of the condition of carpal tunnel syndrome such as the anatomy of your wrist, habits of hand use and even underlying health problems.

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway which is located on the inside of the palm. It protects a main nerve and nine tendons that control the bending of your fingers. It is when this nerve becomes compressed that it pain, tingling numbness and hand weakness. If you play a lot of sports that involve a lot of hand use or if you type a lot you may already suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated with certain types of therapy such as medications, ointments and sometimes even surgery if it is extremely serve. Some of the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include dual ache, sharp pain, stiffness, tingling numbness and weakness in the hand.

I am a certified natural health consultant and I have study, created and worked with essential oils for over 20 years and below you will find some of my formulas that I have created that you can use to treat the pain and stiffness that accompanies the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal Tunnels Formulas

Choose a formula then mix the oils together very well and massage into the hands, wrists, arms and shoulders. Repeat this 2 times a day.

Carpal Tunnel #1


10 drops Chamomile Oil

10 drops Hyssop Oil

10 drops Peppermint Oil

2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Carpal Tunnel #2


5 drops Chamomile Oil

10 drops Clove Oil

5 drops Eucalyptus Oil

10 drops Marjoram Oil

2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Carpal Tunnel #3


10 drops Ginger Oil

10 drops Marjoram Oil

10 drops Nutmeg Oil

2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Carpal Tunnel #4


15 drops Hyssop Oil

15 drops Marjoram Oil

2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Carpal Tunnel #5


10 drops Geranium Oil

15 drops Eucalyptus Oil

5 drops Peppermint Oil

2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Carpal Tunnel #6


15 drops Ginger Oil

5 drops Lavender Oil

10 drops Peppermint Oil

2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

**Note: These are formulas that I have created and worked with over the years. Be sure to wear gloves when working with essential oils in their pure state and they should always be diluted with a carrier oil. Test a small path of skin with a tiny bit of the formula to make sure that you do not experience an allergic reaction before you use it on a large area of skin. I have over 25 years of experience working with herbs and essential oils for natural healing. I am also a certified natural health consultant but No liability can be taken by me!**

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