Transparent Tape – Six New Uses for Tape

How did we manage before the invention of tape? Thin, wide, transparent or opaque, we just can’t imagine a day without using tape in some way. Among the conventional ways to use tape lies some unconventional uses for tape. Grab a roll of transparent and give these uses a try.

Protect a Painted Wall

Place a piece of transparent tape over the spot on the wall where you plan to hammer a nail. The tape will prevent the paint from chipping.

Before placing furniture against a painted wall, place a piece of wide, transparent shipping tape on the wall where the furniture piece will touch the wall. This will prevent marks on the wall from the furniture and will prevent the paint from adhering to the back of furniture.

Repair a Button

When a button on a shirt or blouse becomes loose and there’s no time to sew it back into place tightly, do an emergency repair with a piece of transparent tape. Place a small piece of tape on across the loose threads on the underside of the garment. The tape won’t show and it will hold the button in place until a more permanent means of repair can be accomplished.

Tape a Label or Seam

Another wardrobe repair use for tape is to tape down a label. When a neck label on a garment is itchy and irritating, but you don’t want to cut it out, tape it down with transparent tape. Place a piece of tape over an itchy seam to prevent it from irritating your skin.

Tape Plastic Wrap End

Few things are more frustrating than trying to find the end of a roll of plastic wrap and get it re-started once it has rolled in on itself. Use a piece of tape to find and lift the end and get the wrap re-started. Prevent that from ever happening again and keep the plastic wrap rolling freely by placing a piece of transparent tape on the end after each use.

Steady Candles

When the end of a long taper candle is too small to fit securely into a candle holder, use transparent tape for a snug fit. Wrap transparent tape around the bottom of the taper candle, layer by layer, until the end fits securely into the candle holder.

Pick a Nail Polish

Before going shopping for new nail polish, tuck a roll of transparent tape into your purse. Place a small piece of transparent tape on your finger, then apply a coat of nail polish to see how the color works with your skin tone or to see if it’s the exact shade you want. Remove the tape after each use and apply a fresh piece of tape to the fingernail.

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