Transparent and Bipartisan, or Same Old Politics?

Transparent and bipartisan, or same old politics?

The president held a press conference. Once again, it did not take him long to start finger pointing and name calling against the republicans. He made excuses as to why the previous jobs bill had not been successful, while blaming republicans, with every opportunity. Is he not the president of the nation, both democrats and republicans?

Obama ran on the platform of transparency, bipartisanship, and not the same old politics in Washington. However, this administration has not kept its promises on any of the above. On the contrary, this administration has failed in its policies, while the president continues to blame republicans for the woes in America.

As a conservative, I feel this administration has failed to represent me and my fellow Americans who are Christian conservatives. The president and this administration have called conservatives, by many names, including, “extremists,” and “terrorists.” He has laughed at tea party members who are fed up with being taxed to death–taxation, without representation.

Our founding fathers established the government on the American dream, which simply meant that if a person worked hard, he or she could achieve a desired success. This administration discourages success, by taxing the American public, in order to give to those who refuse to work-the entitlement crowd.

The president has said on numerous occasions that he is willing to work with congress. Quite the opposite is true as he does not work with the republicans in congress, but has isolated them instead, by name-calling; which is not a mature way to handle differences. Bipartisan is not how this administration would be described.

He claims transparency, while shoving healthcare down America’s throats. It was abundantly clear that America did not want the healthcare bill that passed. However, the president felt he knew what was best for our nation, and the bill was passed, in a non-transparent way. Small business is so concerned about the costs involved, that some are freezing the hiring new employees, and holding onto their finances, until there is a more definite plan on jobs growth.

Another jobs bill is being pushed, while the previous jobs bill did not live up to the president’s promise of the unemployment rate not reaching 8%.

In the upcoming elections, we need a candidate that will work lower taxes on the small business owners, so that America can get back to work. We need an honest leader, who reverences God, and can lead our nation, while representing all voters.

The behaviors of the president follow the book he and many of the administration have read, “Rules for Radicals.” In my article, “The Change we didn’t need,” I outline the list of rules, that this administration follows.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 14:14 (KJV)

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