‘TMZ’ Staffer Goes Too Far with Caylee Halloween Costume

Casey Anthony costumes and masks made plenty of pre-Halloween buzz, but her slain child, Caylee, inspired an even more disturbing costume for one “TMZ” staffer. The show is known for making opportunistic, topical jokes–especially when it comes to Harvey Levin’s age–but this was truly disgusting.

Do-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes

The gang in the newsroom wore unique Halloween costumes, but the results ranged from clever and cute to twisted and disturbing.

Some of the women wore frilly dresses and tiaras in honor of “Toddlers in Tiaras.” Shevonne Sullivan used a blue wig and button candy dress for her Katy Perry costume. The two comedians who stand in the corner dressed as the balcony-dwelling critics/comedians, Statler and Waldorf, from “The Muppets.”

The O.J. Simpson costume, complete with a bloody shirt, glove and knife pushed the boundary, but it seemed more outdated and ridiculous than offensive.

Kelly Berning dressed as an eating disorder by wearing a costume printed with a skeleton, accessorized with a tennis racket and measuring tape. This one isn’t funny or original either. Back in September, Shine’s Piper Weiss declared the commercially-made Anna Rexia costume the worst of 2011. Public outcry led at least one New York retailer to pull the product.

Kelly and Shevonne cackled loudly as they pointed out their co-worker’s choice to dress as Caylee Anthony. She wore a light pink hoodie with a piece of a garbage bag tented over head and lipstick-covered duct tape on her mouth and explained she was “slutty Caylee Anthony.”

The slutty theme was probably because so many of the readymade costumes for women are ridiculously revealing, but the Caylee part is beyond explanation. It is far from clever or cutting edge because the web and TV shows such as “The View” have already been abuzz over the handcrafted Casey and Caylee Anthony masks available online.

TMZ.com has a Halloween slideshow, but it does not include the Caylee and easting disorder costumes.

“Is it too soon?”
Former staffer Nina Parker used to add a dose of sanity during some the show’s crazier moments. In her absence, no one spoke up. Harvey simply shook his head and the woman dressed as Caylee jokingly asked if it was too soon.

I would say this was all a ploy to gain fame with infamous behavior since she rarely appears on the show, but the truth is I still can’t remember her name.

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