Tips on How to Get Your Home Ready for the Back to School Rush

In most areas school is right around the corner. This means getting back to the regular busy day to day routine. One thing that I have learned is that during the summer months the house tends to get a little unorganized and crazy. In order to prepare for the back to school rush however I have found that it is worth it to spend at least one week prior to school starting to get the home back in order. Below you will find some tips, and ideas on how you can go about doing this.

Pack away the summer gear

When all of the back to school items goes on sale, I noticed a lot of the storage bins also go on sale. This is a good time to stock up on the storage bins so you have somewhere to put your summer gear. Clean off all of the swim suits from the summer, and pack them away with the summer gear. This would include all of your beach gear, and even flip flops that are still in shape, and can be used the next summer. I would suggest packing clothing away in one bin and then packing the toys in another bin. Be sure to label the bins and then seal them up. Remember that you even have to take the time to clean up the toys too so you are not packing away any bugs, or sand left over from the beach.

Unpack the fall gear

This is also the best time to start unpacking the Fall gear, especially since you have probably just taken your kids clothing shopping. Once the summer clothes are all packed away you can organize the Fall wardrobes of each of your children. It is often a good idea to leave out one or two pair of summer clothing per child. September usually still has plenty of warm days, so they can wear these.

Have a place for everything

Having a place for everything includes having a place for your children to place their school bags when they come home. I have found installing hooks in a closet, or even by the front door, makes things a lot easier. This way the next day you will have no problem finding the items that your child needs for the next school day. Homework bins located on a desk are a great way to ensure that all the homework for the day is getting done, and to remind parents as well. You can set up one separate bin per child. You can even have a place for your child to put their lunch bag so that you can clean it out and get it ready for the next day if they have one.

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