Tips for Planning a Salsa Vacation in Cuba

There is no question that salsa dancing is growing in popularity, among both young and old alike. While there are a great number of highly qualified salsa instructors in the United States, many people have decided to learn the art of salsa where it originated-in Cuba. Planning a salsa vacation in Cuba can be quite difficult. However, by putting in a little time and effort, you are guaranteed to have the time of your life-dancing!

Assess Your Dancing Ability

Honestly assessing your dancing ability is perhaps one of the most important first steps when it comes to planning a salsa vacation in Cuba. Just as in the United States, dance instructors in Cuba often instruct to a specific ability level-and going to an instructor who teaches advanced students will be a waste of time for both of you if you are a beginner. If you have a difficult time assessing your own ability, consider consulting with a local instructor or salsa professional. He or she should be able to give you an idea of your current ability level.

Get Your Passport

Getting your passport is also essential for individuals who plan to take a salsa vacation in Cuba. Individuals who are getting a passport for the first time should contact their local passport office at least six months before they plan the vacation, as the process can, in many cases, take quite a long time. It is important to note that currently, travel by United States citizens to Cuba is not encouraged, as Cuba is currently in a dictatorship. However, traveling for “educational purposes”-such as to receive dancing lessons-is acceptable. Make sure that you are clear and upfront with passport officials from the start to prevent any possible delays regarding your passport.

Work with a Travel Agent

Working with a travel agent is a great way to ensure success on your salsa trip to Cuba. Be sure to locate a travel agent who has experience in planning vacations in this part of the world. In addition, make sure that he or he is aware of your specific desire to participate in plenty of salsa. This can include dance lessons, tickets to dance competitions-or simply trips to cantinas and nightclubs which feature lots of dancing. Being clear and upfront ahead of time can ensure great results when at your final destination.

Talk to Locals

Unless the travel agent who you are working with has been to the specific location you are planning to visit, chances are that some hot spots are sure to be missed. Talking to the locals, however, is a great way to supplement any activities associated with your vacation. Visit with bartenders, waiters, and hotel employees-let them know you are interested in going salsa dancing, and determine where they go to dance. Be aware that unless you speak Spanish, communication may be a challenge. Consider bringing along an interpreter if you are concerned about your ability to speak to and understand the locals.

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