Tips for Maintaining a Kayak

Get ready to learn how to keep your Kayak in good operating condition. It is important that you maintain the unit so that it will be in excellent shape in the future. Many owners maintain their Kayak because they want to make sure that the boat is safe to use on the water. A little bit of work can make your boat last a very long time. Keep on reading to learn some of the best ways to clean, maintain, and care for your Kayak.

Avoid Damage

Avoid damaging the Kayak at all times. Try to locate a Kayak protective covering for your boat which can may the unit last 10 to 15 years longer. Do not drag the unit on the ground because you will have to eventually make repairs if you do. Make sure that the cockpit is covered when it is not in use to stop water, animals, and insects from entering the boat.

Protecting Kayak from Sun

It is very important that you protect the Kayak from the sun. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can damage a unit the same way it does to human skin. For example, it is not uncommon for owners to apply a 303 Protective coating to reduce expose to the sun. The sun can also cause structural damage to a Kayak. Apply the coating at least once per year and it does give the boat a nice clean shine.

Cleaning Your Kayak

Learning how to clean your Kayak is not hard to do. You can keep the hull clean by rinsing it down with water after each trip and use a soft cloth for drying. This reduces corrosion and salt build-up on the Kayak. To keep the paddles clean, professionals recommend that you use water and a mild soap solution. Avoid using strong abrasives because they can scratch the paint and cause damage to the hull.

Kayak Manufacturing Recommendations

One of the best ways to maintain your Kayak is to follow the recommendations published by the manufacturer. The manufacturer made the product so they know what needs to be done to keep your boat in good shape. Normally, the Kayak maker will have instructions on how to care for your boat in the owner’s manual. You may be able to get care instructions from the manufacturer’s official website.

Finally, do not take your Kayak out during bad weather. Always think safety first and keep your safety gear clean. Make sure you have a first aid kit available at all-times when out on the water.

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