Tips for Filing Auto Insurance Claims Accurately

In July of 2011, I was involved in a car accident that totaled my vehicle. Fortunately, I received full compensation for my medical bills and the vehicle after I filed my auto insurance claim. Because of that experience, I can provide some useful tips on what you should do if you need to file an auto insurance claim.

If your claim is because of an auto accident, you should try to obtain the contact and insurance information of all affected parties. If the accident is serious, you should also call the police so that you have a witness who can create an immediate accident report. You may be able to obtain the accident report “on the spot” or you may need to go online later to access it. The police report will help you tremendously when you file your insurance claim.

During the time when the police are on the scene, find out if there are any other witnesses available. Sometimes, the witnesses may approach you directly to volunteer their services; alternately, you may need to ask certain individuals if they will act as witnesses. Give the names of all witnesses to the police.

Call your insurance company immediately to report the incident. Describe everything that was damaged, even if the damage includes a minor scratch or bump. Don’t forget to include yourself in the damages; if your back or neck feels sore or your have any odd pains, be sure to report this to your insurance company. Don’t forget to mention the insurance company of the other party or parties involved.

You may be called by the other party’s insurance company. Be sure to repeat all the details of the accident to this other insurance company, leaving nothing out but also not embellishing your story. If you have had any medical issues, this is the ideal time to bring them up and provide a doctor’s statement as to the nature of your injuries.

An insurance adjuster should pay you a visit to discuss a monetary settlement for your property loss and, if reported, your medical costs. The property settlement will depend on the condition of your vehicle and the damages it sustained. You will be asked to total the damage costs, so it doesn’t hurt to have a mechanic’s estimate on hand. As far as your medical payout is concerned, the insurance company will offer you either a direct cash settlement or an ongoing payout for the duration of your medical treatment. Depending on the nature and severity of your injuries, you may choose one option or the other.

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