Thyroid and Suicide Risk

Mean thyroid weight in suicide victims with previous suicidal ideation.”
‘Pathological examinations in suicide victims can often reveal abnormalities in the brain architecture and serum serotonin chemistry. However, many of these studies neglect the the importance of a properly functioning thyroid gland for adequate mental health. In living patients, hypoperfusion of the thyroid gland has been associated with depression. Hypothyroidism also may be associated with a smaller thyroid size per an investigational MRI. Therefore, this study will investigate a relationship between suicide victims and the mean weight of their thyroid glands as a percentage of their BMI (body mass index). In this study, thyroid glands were prosected at the Minnesota Regional Medical Examiner’s Office from Caucasian individuals whose death had been ruled a suicide. These weights were compared to a standard table of mean thyroid weights of Caucasians. Past medical history is reviewed for prior depression in study victims. Although SSRIs and tricyclics (both antidepressant classes) are the gold standard for mild to moderate depression, but withdrawal can often cause suicidal ideation. If depression and a low mean thyroid weight are noted, then health care practitioners may want to consider the benefits of testing and treating an underlying thyroid condition with thyroid-related pharmaceutical interventions.’

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