The Organic Debate: Are Organic Foods Healthier?

Over the last decade the public has gravitated towards the increased consumption of organic foods. Consumers have embraced this movement for a variety of reasons. At the forefront of this paradigm shift is the notion that organic foods provide a healthy alternative to conventionally-produced foods. However, the nutritious superiority of organic foods has been called into question by numerous scientific studies.

A comprehensive review of scientific literature released by the United Kingdom’s Food Services Agency in 2009 found that there was no good evidence that the vitamin and mineral content of organic food was of greater nutritious value than conventionally-produced foods. Another comprehensive study review released in 2010 by the American Society for Nutrition reconfirmed the FSA’s findings, determining that evidence for the nutritious superiority of organic foods is lacking.

Another rallying point adopted by supporters of the organic food’s health benefits is founded in the departure from the use of synthetic pesticide and livestock feed additives. Contrary to popular belief, organic pesticides are no less toxic than there synthetic brethren. However, according to the USDA, organic produce harbors less pesticide residue than conventional produce. Even so, the levels of both don’t exceed safety thresholds as determined by the US government.

However, there is a glimmer of hope for the organic movement. Grass fed beef contains an overall decreased fat content, and the fat present contains a greater concentration of cardioprotective fats. In addition, a study performed at the University of Iowa discovered that the use of antibiotics in conventional produce has led to an increase in the presence of the deadly methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in swine. Although the ramifications of this finding remains unclear, it is of considerable concern.

Many consumers have adopted organic foods into their diet. The consensus of the scientific community is clear, when contrasted to conventional produce, there is no discernible difference in nutritious content. However, the cultivation methods utilized to procure organic meats appear to endow the food with considerable health benefits. Although there may be environmental and economic benefits to organic farming, it is evident that there is no clear indication that all organic foods are superior to conventional foods, however there are some health benefits to be garnered form their use.

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