The Green ABC’s Tip #4 for a Green and Healthy Holiday Season

Wrap It Up – Green

Let’s face it, one of the most wasteful parts of the holiday season is wrapping presents. First, we buy the wrapping paper. The money we spend on the wrapping paper will depend in part on who gets the gift. One of my favorite new inventions in the past decade was the wrapping paper sack or baggie. It looks like wrapping paper, but there is none of that annoying Scotch tape problem or shoestrings or whatever else that is needed to tie the paper all in one piece.

Next, the bows and ribbons. And, the name tags, and etc! Anyway, I believe there is a variety of eco-friendly and imaginative ways to wrap those holiday gifts and be a good socially responsible person at the same time.

One of the most maddening parts of the holiday season is the stress load that seems to accumulate on each and every one of us from Thanksgiving through New Year’s. The best way to add even more stress is to worry about how a socially responsible individual should wrap their presents. Even so, I have made it my mission this year to add as much stress to the lives of as many people as possible! It is just a goal!

So, here are a few little hints and a couple of websites to go to for a virtual (pun absolutely intended) grab bag of sustainable wrap-those-presents tips.

1) Newspapers (especially the comics) – Sure it seems cheap, but it won’t be on the present for very long anyway, so what’s the difference? If you would like to appear a little more generous, how about using a type of wrapping that will be used in relationship to the present? 2) Hats, Bowls, Watering Cans, Buckets, Laundry Baskets, Scarves, – and the ever evolving SOCK! – All of these mentioned can be used for wrap and can be used again. For example, use a hat to hold a new pair of gloves, organic shampoo, perfume or cologne, golf balls, a deck of cards, or any type of jewelry. 3) Recyclable Aluminum Wrap– Of course there is recyclable aluminum foil- haven’t you been listening to all the good things about Reynolds Aluminum Foil and how they are on the cutting edge of recycling? No! Well, take my word for it- and search the net and area local stores for recyclable aluminum wrap.

Take a look below for a couple of websites to help you wrap responsibly and then take a long walk. It’s going to be a very long holiday season, if I have anything to do with it!

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