The Ghost Hunters

Lunatic Hall is an insane asylum located in Indiana. This location is set back off in the woods in a very remote area. Last October a local group of ghost hunters, The Ghost Seekers, set out to investigate the asylum. Some of the paranormal history included; disembodied voices, reports of apparitions seen on the property, and some local folklore stories about people going in and not coming out. The Ghost Seekers were intrigued by these stories and had to check them out.
Lunatic Hall was a one story building with approximately 25 patient rooms, a cafeteria, administration offices, and a common area. They met the caretaker, Bob, there who let them in the building and wished them luck. Bob said he would be there in the morning to see how things went. Walking into the building The Ghost Seekers noticed how old and damaged the building looked. It was obvious the building had been the victim of vandals as well. Hanging on the walls of the Asylum were newspaper clippings. One was about the escape of the last mental patient to be held in the building. The building had been in use from the late 1800’s until the last patient escaped in 2009. The mental patient that escaped was in there for murder. His name was Joe Harty. Joe had killed 32 people with a hammer and was known as the “Smasher”. There were other clippings as well, but were to faded to read.
The Ghost Seekers started out by searching the office rooms, setting up equipment and doing EVP sessions. They heard footsteps somewhere down the hall and they kept hearing what sounded like laughter. Immediately they set out to find the laughter. Walking down the hall they came across a room that said “Smasher” above the door. Obviously they were entering that room, setting up equipment and getting ready to do an EVP session there. More laughter, this time it sounded as if it was in the room with them. They turned on their flashlights and looked around the room, but saw no one. They continued with their investigation.
Several hours into the night they begin to hear footsteps coming down the hall. Getting closer and closer to the “Smasher’s” room. There were only 3 investigators in this group and were not trying to stray from each other. They heard someone walk into the room, they went to turn on their flashlights and they wouldn’t come on. They couldn’t find their bag in the dark to try and get more batteries. They felt a presence in the room walking around them all. Stomping, the sound of the boots were loud and the laughter was almost deafening. The sound they heard next was something that scared them all. The sound of a hammer being smacked against a wall.
Bob arrived at Lunatic Hall about 6am. He saw no one and heard no movement. He walked into the entrance of the building and said “Hello?”. “Where y’all at?”. He got no response. He proceeded down the hall. He saw a brief glimpse of what looked like a patient walking into one of the rooms. Bob followed. Standing in the doorway of the room marked “Smasher” he peered in and there was blood everywhere. The bag from the investigators was laying on the floor, their equipment was still there, but there was no sign of The Ghost Seekers.

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