Skills in Titan Quest’s Spirit Mastery

A very Diablo 2-esque mythical RPG (role playing game) that takes of the lore of Greece and Rome, Titan Quest came out in 2006. THQ and Iron Lore brought the sleek single and multiplayer game to the general public, and it has the same controls to move the characters and for game play as the Diablo 2 game, so it is an easy transition.

In Titan Quest the player is able to pick a male or a female character and the color of its tunic, but that is it on character creation. Skills are in sets that are called Masteries. A player can select one or two of these Masteries to focus their energies in. These are the skills that are going to be able to use when a pick of Spirit Mastery is done. All skill points are issued three at a time whenever the character levels up, it is these skills points that are used in Masteries.

1 Mastery Point Skills

These two skills will be able to chosen after one mastery point is put into the Spirit Mastery.

Deathchill Aura – A skill that both slows the enemies and drains a bit of its lifeforce. Life Drain – This takes the enemy’s life and gives it to the player.

For starter skills with only a single mastery skill point used, these are good ones to have. They are built upon in higher level skills as well.

4 Mastery Point Skills

These four skills will be able to chosen after four mastery points are put into the Spirit Mastery.

Ternion Attack – Triples the attack rate of the staff by putting more energy into it. Ravages of Time – Dulls armor and weaponry by aging it quicker. Vision of Death – Makes your enemies either run from you or fight less effectively. Spirit Ward – Wards off attacks from the undead.

These “step above the lower rung” of skills uses warding, ups offense, and decreases enemies effectiveness.

10 Mastery Point Skills

These four skills will be able to chosen after ten mastery points are put into the Spirit Mastery.

Cascade – Makes the Life drain skill go to multiple targets. Dark Covenant – Gives the player otherworld entities. Summon Lich King – Raises undead and channels their energy. Spirit Bane – Gives extra damage to undead foes that the player fights while under Spirit Ward.

These are mid range skills that play up on lower level skills and adds additional damage to what was begun.

16 Mastery Point Skills

These four skills will be able to chosen after sixteen mastery points are put into the Spirit Mastery.

Arcane Lore – This skill adds a speed boost and area damage effects. Necrosis – Weakens the enemy by making the player more able to use Life leech and Life attacks. Enslave Spirit – Gives players the ability to mind control one of their enemies for a short while. Death Nova – Burst of “death” that sucks life from all it touches.

As these skills start inching toward the highest level, they are starting to get more menacing to enemies.

24 Mastery Point Skills

These three skills will be able to chosen after twenty four mastery points are put into the Spirit Mastery.

Unearthly Power – Boosts the power of Dark Covenant. Wraith Shell – Makes the Lich King that is summoned less able to be damaged. Circle of Power – Gives a band of protection against undead attack for the player and their allies.

These are the second to highest skills that are able to be received in the Spirit mastery.

32 Mastery Point Skills

These three skills will be able to chosen after thirty two mastery points are put into the Spirit Mastery.

Death Ward – Gives a boost of health if the player’s hitpoints falls to a low amount. Summon Outsider – Summons an ethereal spirit to do player’s bidding. Arcane Blast – Lets the Lich King do elemental bolts of damage to enemies.

These upper tier skills will add upon the lower and mid range skills, making the player that gets to this level a force to be reckoned with.

These unearthly powers of summoning and arcane powers can really wreck havoc on enemies. Pairing it with an Earth Mastery really can make for an interesting character, but a pure Spirit Mastery Character is a sight to see.

This article originally appeared on Suite 101 on March 6, 2009.

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