My Conversion to Christianity

When I saw the title ‘Religious Conversion stories’ I thought: “That is not for me, I’ve not converted from anything.” However, then I thought a little bit about it and I realized I was so wrong. I had converted from something.

Normally when you hear about conversion you think about someone converting from another religion. But that is not the only conversion there can be. When we invite Jesus to come and live in our heart, we have a conversion. We are exchanging our sinner hood to Christ likeness. So therefore I did convert. I converted from being a sinner to being a Christian.

My change happened when I was a tiny girl. My birthday was the next day; I would be turning six. You might not believe that one so young could be a sinner. Nevertheless the Bible says we are all sinners from birth.

I’m sure some of you are wondering how I know this. How I remember? You were so little, you might say. It’s true I can’t remember all the details, but I know the change that accrued in me was for real.

It was in the evening; we had just had our family devotions. My Dad took me to my room and we sat on my bed. Carefully he explained, using his Bible, how I could be saved.

That night I realized that I was a sinner and bound for hell. My only hope was repenting of my sins and asking Jesus to come into my heart and save me. Which He did.

Many years have gone by since the day I asked Jesus to come and live in my heart. It hasn’t always been easy but I know that Jesus is always beside me.

As for the things that I have had to give up since becoming a Christian I wouldn’t trade it for anything. What I have given up is: smoking-gives me lung cancer; drinking alcohol-liver disease; sex before marriage-AIDs and other venereal diseases; partying-being beaten up or raped; the list can go on and on. Everything that people would say I’ve given up has been for my best.

What I have gotten from my conversion outweighs anything I might have given up, one hundred to one. For I have been given life everlasting in heaven. Also I’ve been given a relationship with Jesus and God my Father.

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