In Waiting

I wait…

There will come a time when the search is called off and the investigation is closed. The media will disappear; the crowds of curious people will go home and forget. Time will move on-HE will move on, like nothing has happened, and he will stop looking over his shoulder, paranoid.

That’s what I am waiting for. I will bide my time until that moment and then, I will come out of the shadows and darkness in the security of his office where it happened. I will force him to gaze into the now-dead eyes of the woman whose life he took. I will relish in watching recognition turn to fear as he realizes that spirits are real-that I am real. I will watch him turn to ice as he recalls every flickering light, every cold spot, every inexplicably moved item, and every time he felt like was not alone or was being watched and suddenly knows that I’ve been there all along. I will smile as this gives way to terror when I reach inside him with an icy grasp and clutch his unfeeling heart and squeeze-just as he squeezed my neck. I will laugh coldly as he realizes that spirits can be angry-and they can kill…and as he understands suddenly, just as I did, that he has reached the end of his life, and no one will ever know what really happened. They will write it off as simply a heart attack and dismiss it-dismiss him. I will stop smiling in the moment before he takes his final breath, so that my face is the last he sees on this earth and he has no one but himself to blame.

Oh but not just yet. No. First, he must feel safe again. He must think he’s gotten away with what he’s done, just as he always has. I want him to sigh with relief in believing that my body will never be found; to feel at ease, knowing that he buried this “unfortunate incident” with me in a shallow and unmarked grave. I want him to sleep at night, feeling that any knowledge of his dirty and underhanded business deeds was silenced with my last breath. I want him to become as confident and arrogant as he always was…and he will, sooner rather than later. He will become complacent and then, he will let his guard down, and like me, he’ll never see it coming…

It’s only a matter of time, and what else have I got? And so, I wait…

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