How to Get Rid of Acne and Pimples

The basic mechanics behind acne are as follows: Oil glands that produce sebum on your face can get clogged by things such as dirt, dry skin flakes, or the oil itself. Once the pore is clogged, it creates an area that is like an infection where this pebble-like blockage is considered a foreign entity. The situation is made worse by bacteria that thrive within the blockage and cause further irritation of the skin. Bacteria live on your face naturally, and in fact they cover our entire bodies, but within the conditions of a pimple they cause a rush of white blood cells to come to the area to fight off the infection.

As white blood cells do their work, they turn into pus that can fill the pore as well. The resulting redness and swelling is what we see on the surface as pimples. The frustrating thing is the bad acne we see today actually started forming several weeks ago. So as you can see, it is a long developmental process that takes time to get rid of. You can’t just slather on a litre of acne cream and hope to “zap” the problem away.

1. Healthy Living

Take care of healthy living with regards to drinking a lot of water, getting exercise, sleeping enough at night time, and reducing reduce stress levels. Your body and skin are inter-connected so taking care of your overall health impacts your skin. What you do now will have long-term impacts on your skin in the future.

2. Washing Your Face

You should wash your face twice a day with a gentle skin cleanser. One washing in the morning and once before bedtime is the best way to go. Avoid bar soap on your face or anything too abrasive. You won’t be doing yourself any favors by over-washing so don’t over do things because it won’t get rid of acne any faster. Be careful about using hot water or taking long hot showers (especially in winter) because this can strip your skin of moisture. Use gentle motions rather than trying to scrub your acne away.

Look for the best acne products that will preserve the moisture and integrity of your skin while killing bacteria as well. Comprehensive treatment systems that include several components are often more effective than any one product alone. Make sure to budget adequately because some treatments can be quite expensive.

3. Diet

Your diet should be a healthy mix of all four food groups with a good dose of fresh fruits and vegetables to get your skin acne free. Chocolate and oily foods don’t actually cause acne, but it never hurts to eat right and take care of your body. Snacking is great to give your metabolism a boost during the day and an excellent way to get some fruits and veggies into your diet.

4. Bad Habits

Avoid things like smoking, sun tanning, and drinking too many sugary or caffeinated beverages. All of your bad habits can result in nasty things accumulating in your pores and forming blockages. To know more visit the Proactiv Reviews site for more details on acne treatments.

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