How to Develop Desire

Desire is an emotional state of mind. It’s the first principle of success.

There are 6 defined steps to develop your desire:

Discover Your Passion

Passion is the motivational energy that intensifies your desire. A desire without passion is like a marriage without love. Read more…

Define Your Goal

You have to know exactly what you want to accomplish, why you want to accomplish it, and when you expect to accomplish it. It’s not enough to say, “I want to be successful”. That doesn’t mean anything. You have to be specific. The more specific, the easier it is to accomplish.

Determine What You Are Willing To Give Up

There are going to be (many) times, often daily, where you will have to make a decision. That decision will either bring you a step closer to your goal or you’ll stay where you’re at. These decisions will make you give up a part of who you are, what you have, or what you do today so you can become the person you want to be. Making a list now, before you start, of all the things you are willing to give up will make having to make those decisions easier when the time comes.

Create a Plan For Success

Break your goal into small and easy objectives, milestones, tasks, and activities. Tasks and activities should be small enough to complete in no more than 2 hours a day. This is how you will accomplish your goal. This is a plan for success, and not a backup plan. There are no backup plans. Do not plan for failure. Do not plan for retreat.

Write it Down

Writing down your thoughts give them life. Written thoughts are physical entities. They now exist in the world. It is first step of transforming an idea into a physical thing. Your thoughts and ideas do not exist unless and until they are written down – they are meaningless until given life. Therefore it’s now time to write your defined goal, your list of things you are willing to give up, and your plan for success on paper. You can now physically see your goal.

Read it Twice a Day

With your defined goal and plan to accomplish it written down, read it to yourself twice a day; the first thing in the morning, and right before you go to sleep at night. However, it’s not enough to just read it as if they are instructions in a manual. As you read, close your eyes and picture yourself carrying out your plan. Picture yourself accomplishing your goal. See, feel, and hear what’s going on as you carry out your plan. Believe in it.

These are the 6 steps to develop your desire. The first 5 steps can easily be done in a day’s worth of time of thinking about what you want to accomplish and researching how you can accomplish it. You may think it’s hard to picture yourself doing or having something you don’t already have in your possession but if you truly are passionate about it, you will see it. It takes no hard work, no sacrifice, no advanced degree – just simply you and your imagination.

By following these steps you will essentially convince yourself that not only is it possible, but it’s something that is attainable – with ease. The most important step is reading your plans every day. Without first being able to see and believe in yourself, you cannot expect yourself to accomplish what you plan to do.

These steps are meant to make you goal-conscious. The first thought you have in the morning is your goal. The last thought before bed is your goal. As you repeat the last step every single day it will soon become an all-encompassing obsession – a desire!

Success requires no apologies, failure permits no alibis.

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