How I Fixed My Hair Color Disaster

I don’t go to the salon often for hair coloring, but when I have, it was done all wrong. Getting your hair color changed can be an issue. If you have red highlights in your hair, coloring it can be tough. With my own hair the red always shows through, if not done correctly. Which ends up being the wrong color and your unsatisfied. I have had this issue a few times and I say its a few times too many. So here are some tips to making sure you get it right the next time and can be happy with your hair color change.

Choose a good stylist. The stylist choice should be a top priority when it comes to your hair. So choose wisely. Talk to family and friends to see who they may recommend to you. See how many years they have been going to that stylist. If you like their hair style then maybe their stylist is what they say. Have they been in town a while? Does this stylist get a lot of business? These are all great questions to ask yourself and even others.

Don’t go dramatic. I feel that choosing a dramatic color change is not the best idea. So when choosing your color try not to get a big change. It always looks more natural to go with a light color. Going big with color is not always the best idea, that’s how mine went from strawberry blond to rusty brown. Color choice was a darker brown. Was I happy or satisfied with this color, nope! So I have learned not to go with a dramatic change.

Ask questions. When it comes to your appearance change it is very important to ask questions. Lots of questions is the best thing you can do. Don’t feel stupid for not knowing something, but wanting to find out more about it. Ask recommendations for color choice, damage it can do, safety, and any other important questions you can think of. As I said, I am not one to get my hair done very often so I have learned to ask many questions. You are spending a pretty penny on this appearance change. It is good you get it right.

When we get our hair colored there’s nothing wrong with wanting it to turn out how we want. So, to fix your hair coloring disasters be sure to choose a good stylist, don’t choose some wild color, and always ask lots of questions.

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