Homemade Remedies for an Abscess

An abscess is a pus filled infected pocket most commonly found in the gum and mouth area creating great discomfort and pain. This pain generally creates fear in those who already fear visits to the dentist. Fortunately, there are several excellent homemade remedies for an abscess.

According to Homemade Medicine, the accumulation of pus around inflamed gums is a clear indication of an abscess. Usually accompanied by swelling and most often redness, an abscess makes daily life most intolerable. If unable to get to the dentist or if you don’t have dental insurance there are a few safe things you can do at home to treat an abscess.

A favorite homemade remedy for an abscess that was shared by a friend, Fermin Concha, who is Taos Pueblo Indian, is the use of either a piece of raw potato, or a raw bean. Simply insert either raw item inside your mouth against the abscess. Either the raw potato or dry bean works well at drawing the pus out of the abscess.

If you are struggling with an abscess of the skin, one of the top homemade remedies for an abscess is to create an herbal tea concoction of Echinacea combined with yerba mania and water. The combination of herbs is formulated to boost the immune system according to Homemade Medicine.

There are other basic homemade remedies for abscesses of the skin including hydrating the body and eating properly. It is important to eat green vegetables and fresh fruits that contain bromelain such as pineapple, which is most effective at reducing inflammation based on Homemade Medicine suggestions. Another excellent tip is to remove fried food from your diet as well as refined sugar.

There are other homemade remedies to treat abscesses that include supplementing your diet with various herbs such as Goldenseal and Echinacea, both of which have anti-bacterial properties, as well as blue-green algae. Additionally, the same herbs you take internally can also be used to create a Homemade Medicine herbal wash to apply to the affected areas of the skin providing with a natural and safe treatment.


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