Gino the Super Hero

While sitting in the cooler of a local Mini Mart, Gino the Italian Hero, waited as people perused the isles for snack-attack remedies and lottery tickets. He was already passed up twice for a turkey sandwich because his dressing was causing him to become quite soggy. He figured that was it for him; the trash was the next stop. Little did he know that today was no ordinary day, today was the day that he’d really become a hero!

A milk delivery was in progress when he noticed that something wasn’t right. He heard from the grapevine that someone by the name of Manny the Moo was tainting the milk with crazy hormones and delivering it to unsuspecting mini marts and day cares. He noticed the delivery truck was plastered with Manny the Moo decals. Not today, he thought, not on my watch!

With all his might he threw himself off of the second self of that cooler and rolled and rolled till his dressing had leaked all over the floor. As the delivery man went to turn down the chip isle toward the drink coolers, he slipped and milk went flying.

Suddenly, the Mini Mart filled with a foul milk odor and the owner became worried. He called the local newspaper and police in hopes of getting some answers. The FDA showed up and said they had been working with agents inside local Mini Marts to break the case and put Manny the Moo back behinds barns.

Agent Gino did a great job that day.

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