Four Leaf Clovers and Briar Roses

Here is the story of a very early morning in Portland, Oregon three years ago. A day that will stand out in history not only as the day dedicated to St. Patrick, but also the day a beautiful little lady joined the world. St. Patrick’s day will forever be changed for a very lucky man and woman.

March 16th, 2009. On this day, a woman’s labor was progressing very slowly. This woman was comfortable at home, accompanied by her dear husband and wonderful mother. The pain was coming in spurts, true to normal labor pains. The hospital was called and bags were packed.

Around four p.m. the excited family left for the hospital. The room was set and everything was prepared for the birth of yet another baby at St. Vincent Hospital. Eager and ready, the day seemed to drag on for the two almost-parents. An epidural was administered and all that was left was to wait. And wait, and wait…

Time seemed to move very slowly. Awaiting a baby is no easy feat when labor goes on fifteen hours. Day turned to evening and evening to night. The darkness offered no sleep and anxiety was rising.
Then, things started to change. Contractions were coming on stronger and urges to push had arrived. The woman pushed and plead and cried. Minute by minute the baby was getting closer to her big arrival. Her parents were incredibly ready to meet the little lady that would steal their hearts.

“Welcome, Briar Lynn!” yelled the doctor. And there she was, wrapped in a hospital blanket with dark brown hair and big blue eyes. My little girl. My little Briar Lynn. It was 12:36 a.m. March 17th, 2009. Happy St. Patrick’s day to us!

I was that woman, with my husband and mother. Waiting was the hardest part, but the minute my girl was in my arms a light went on in my heart. St. Patrick’s day will never be the same for my family and my heart will never be dark again. Needless to say, briar roses and four leaf clovers hold a special place in my heart.

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