Earth, Elements, and Life 2

Hanging With Leaders by Phillip E. Clark on Friday, July 15, 2011 at 10:25am

You know what? There were two crowds following Jesus: #1. the crowd who needed something from Jesus. #2. The few disciples who were allowed to just HANG-OUT! The disciples that followed Jesus weren’t blind, lame, or in need physically, they just wanted to hear him teach. When you’re around leaders listen to them teach and forget your needs, just listen. Your leaders are real people. They have needs. Don’t need 2 worship them, if you’re forever with them in heart. You will never know the knowledge you need, if you’re always seeking your leaders for LOA, sick leave questions, or you need more hours at work, or when will someone stop feeding the skunk in the parking lot underneath the trailers. Your leaders are real people. If you pay attention, you might find they need you more than you need them. Bottom-line: I knew a Pastor once in teens as I to was a pastor, who tried to explain his issues of the fact that he had no one to speak to. His parish wanted him to be Super-Pastor. A Super-Pastor never has needs, he’s to be above all regular humans——–wrong! That pastor had needs. He needed to be treated like a brother with needs. The events of the latter 80’s strucked him. The television ministries, money issues, Jimmy Swaggert, and Jim and Tammy Baker. This pastor, was a Pastor associated with FWC. What I’m asking is, ‘which crowd are you with?’ The crowd following for your needs or the crowd taught to be intimate with the stranger with a unique gift of quoting and acting like he’s the son of God? When will you stop worshipping your needs and be the Mary that anointed the feet of Jesus with her hair. She wanted NOTHING, only to anoint his feet with oil. Luke 36:50. But she received something more precious than money, it was forgiveness.

History in the First Three Chapters of Genesis by Phillip E. Clark on Monday, October 31, 2011 at 9:02pm

There are seven key factors you need to know:

#1. Death, burial, and an resurrection is introduced in the first 3 chapters of Genesis.

#2. God explains through the writer of Genesis, Moses; that there are 10 points God wants to introduce to mankind.

A. God

B. Jesus

C. the Holy Spirit

D. Man and woman; Male and female. God considers in this case: the male & female were married.

E. there is evil: Satan, the serpent

F. Why there’s an earth

G. there’s sin

H. there’s death

I. and there’s an resurrection.

J. God also introduced angels

All this info the first three chapters of Genesis.

God created three important THINGS in the first three chapters: heaven, earth, and tyhe garden.

#4 The Garden of Eden represents God’s people. The orininal place is thought to be between Turkey and Iraq.

But I lean toward Iraq as the original place. Next, the GARDEN follows God’s people: Israel-Adam & Eve. They are removed from the garden, and commences with the wanderings.

The death A.D. 70, buria for 2000 years Israel has been deadl, and resurrection has happened for the physical land of Israe in 1948. The soul of Israel: ALL people need to be dead to sin, alive in Christ, and the resurrection into new-life.

The spirit-man of Israel: ALL new-life recipients are joint-heirs to the promises of God to Israel, and have eternal life, and the right to the entrance of the NEW JERUSALEM in Revelation chapter 20 thru 22 KJV bible.

#5. There’s going to be a NEW HEAVEN, NEW EARTH, AND A NEW JERUSALEM coming.

#6. God introduces light in the Genesis 1:3. Light in Greek means Phos; the body, soul, and spirit of the person. The intellect=body, morals=the soul, and the spirit-man; his spirit-being. Light means the ‘disciples of Christ’-followers.

#7. In Genesis 1:4 Darkness: God wants you to know that there is bad and good. It was three times dark on the earth totally: Genesis, in the beginning; Exodus, one of the plagues of Egypt, and at the crucifixition of Jesus. No other leader, king, or leader has ever caused darkness to fall upon the sun except at the crucifixition of Christ.

God is reaching out to you at this time to know Him through Christ Jesus. Even at the beginning of time. Know him today, reach out to him, and say, Jesus come into my life, come in to stay, I need you in my heart, I’m a sinner needing your grace. Forgive me for my sin, you and you alone are the only one who holds the key of death, hell, and the grave. Jesus you are King, Lord, and my God. This day I believe in faith. I’am a child of God. Thank you Jesus for coming into to my heart. I believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Islam, Allah, and It’s History by Phillip E. Clark on Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at 3:36pm

Once an Islamic follower was insulted by an individual calling their god, a moon god. The follower got upset and called the visitor an #1. ‘INFIDEL.’ The follower then admitted, #2. “The holy Quran advices the death penalty for the insult.” The follower continued to call the visitor, #3. ‘an ignorant fool.’ And insisted the visitor should be #4. trembling. #5.”You can’t speak against my religion.” He continued to educate the visitor. ‘Islam is the second largest religion in America and it’s continuing to grow.” (Actually many small organizations and religions have similar tactics and beliefs such as the Quran.) The follower continued to admit that the #6. Muslim religion wants to fly their flag over the White House and #7 put an end to Christianity.’ He also stated that #8. ‘England was their first target.’ The follower stated the #9. Bible is corrupt because the Quran condemns it. (No wonder some folks can’t catch the spirit-filled life it offers)#10. The follower stated that their was no one greater than Muhammad. #11 The follower stated, ‘Christianity is lie.’ (II Corinthians 4:1-4 I say.) #12 Islam actually believes someone else was crucified on the cross and not Jesus. (You see you need to study a religion to know what a religion believes-as Islam has. BUT I SAY, GIVE ME MY BIBLE AND IT INTRODUCES ME TO EVERY BASIC STEP IN SALVATION IN THE FIRST THREE CHAPTERS OF GENESIS BEFORE ADAM AND EVE STEPPED OUT OF THE GARDEN.) #13 The follower continued to say, that Allah had no son.-because the Quran say’s so.

The numbering 1-13 in the text reveals how extreme the followers of Islam can go. The Islamic religion wants to bring people to their knees-FEAR; intimidation. But remeber this: America wasn’t alway’s here. England onced occupied this land. The Islam is an old religion dating back to 500A.D. Chrisianity was BEFORE Islam. But worshiping of idols is an old thing. The worship of Allah, is the idol worship to/of the moon god.

Historical FACT: The Sabeans in Arabia worshiped the moon god, Allah. The crescent moon god marries the sun goddess, she gave birth to three goddesses: Allat, Aluzzah, and Manat.-the Daughters of Allah. They are worshiped as idols. And Allah is one of the over 300 idols worshiped in Islam’s holy house god in Mecca-Ka’abah. Muhammad choose himself to be a prophet for the moon god and needed backing to start a major religion. as we know of today there are many religions with IDOLS, moon, or sun worship of gods and goddesses. Many religions are BRANCHED OFF from ideas that sounds good, creates good architecture buildings, makes money off statutes, superstitious star-gazing, crystal licking, and fortune telling statues of gods and goddesses. But there’s only one God-Jehovah, that created the heaven and the earth, worship him, and not the things made by His voice or His hands. One of the last words of Mohammed was stating he was a prophet for Allah. But today we know that he is a prophet for the moon god Allah, in whose statute has been found in the 1950’s. To call a Muslim follower a Mohammedan, is considered offensive. And as you can see in the text above, #1-13, that they are EASILY OFFENDED.

May Jesus’ love shine a light in the mist of idol worship, and show you a way into Christianity.

There are five major religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Two out of the five declares: “HAVE NO GRAVEN IMAGES BEFORE ME”- say’s the LORD God of Israel.

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