Dealing with Panic Attacks, a Step by Step Approach

Panic attacks can happen at any time, and any place. They aren’t particular who they attack and can attack any economic level. It doesn’t matter what your race is, what your religion is, they don’t care and will still attack. Learning what you can do to prevent them will help you to feel better and more comfortable in any situation.

Get to the Source

For some, it’s as simple as the boss just walked in the door. For others, it’s much more complicated. Keep a journal and write down what was going on in your life just prior to your panic attack. List any foods you may have just eaten as well. Each time you have a panic attack write this information down again. Review your previous notes and see if the same things are appearing repeatedly. If so, find a way to eliminate the triggers from your life.

Let Go Of The Stress

Stress, that horrible feeling of helplessness that can encompass us when we least need it. Learn to deal with what you can and let the rest go. If you’re having financial problems put yourself on a budget. If your children are stressing you consider sending them to grandma’s for a weekend and recuperate.

Take a walk and de stress, listen to some soft music or do something just for you. Find a way to let go of the stress with more you time and less focus on what the stress is.

Get Enough Sleep

Our bodies all have a specific amount of sleep we need. For some this can be as little as 6 hours per night, for others, however, it can be up to 9 hours of sleep. Find your optimum hours of sleep and try to make sure you’re getting it each and every night. Sometimes just catching up on sleep will be enough to eliminate panic attacks.

When You Feel an Attack Coming On

Take deep breaths and count. Count to 6 as you inhale and then slowly count to 6 as you exhale. Do this several times until you start to feel better.

Consider a long walk. A walk will help you to do something with that restless feeling.

Re direct your focus and energies in a task or hobby that interests you. The busier you are the faster the panic feeling will subside.

Increase protein in your diet. When I was pregnant I had horrible panic attacks. I found that by increasing my protein (I’d grab a handful of almonds) they were greatly reduced and I felt much better within just a few short minutes.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing, yoga, soft music are all great sources of relaxation. Learning to relax and regain your composure will go far in helping you to deal with the onset of a panic attack.

Maintain Positive Thoughts

Instead of focusing on a panic attack, focus on something else. Finding a new positive focus will be very instrumental in helping to avoid a panic attack.

Avoid Negative People

We all encounter negative people in our daily lives. For those with panic attacks negative people can be very detrimental. Find ways to avoid these negative people in your life. Use caller ID to avoid their calls (Let them leave a message and listen to it at your leisure), don’t sit with them in church, don’t start a conversation with them and if they attempt to start one find a polite excuse to remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible.

Using the above approaches can help to eliminate your panic attacks and help you to get on with living.

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