Cushing’s Disease – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Cushing’s disease is named for the surgeon, Harvey Cushing, who discovered the cause and treatment for the disease which changes the appearance of it’s victims. Several other symptoms characterize the disease (also known as Cushing’s Syndrome or CS) and a minimally invasive surgery can cure it.

Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease

Visible symptoms include a round, full moon shaped face, unusual weight gain in the trunk section of the body, acne outbreaks, purple stretch marks, thin skin that is easily bruised and excessive facial hair growth for women. Men may also experience erectile dysfunction and both sexes may have an increase in blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Causes of Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s is almost always caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland, with an occasional tumor on the adrenal gland being the alternate cause of Cushing’s.

The pituitary gland is located at the bottom of the brain and is responsible for releasing hormones to stimulate other glands, like the thyroid and adrenal glands and a females’ ovaries and male’s testes. The pituitary gland in a person with Cushing’s produces too much of a hormone called ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) which over stimulates the adrenal gland and causes it to produce an excessive amount of cortisone. The excessive amount of cortisone in the body causes all the symptoms of Cushing’s.

How Cushing’s is Diagnosed

The appearance is the first clue in diagnosing Cushing’s, the initial visual exam will be followed by blood and urine lab exams to check for high levels of adrenal gland hormones. An MRI of the brain may also be ordered to see the actual tumor on the pituitary gland.

Treatment Requires Surgery

Treatment for Cushing’s disease does requires surgery and in almost 100% of cases, the surgical removal of the tumor on the pituitary gland (or adrenal gland) cures the disease.

The surgery is performed through the nose or mouth roof. Surgical instruments are inserted into place, the tumor grabbed and removed, leaving behind no visible scars and a quick recovery time.

If the Cushing’s disease is caused by a tumor on the adrenal gland, the tumor will be surgically removed through an incision in the abdomen, resulting in a cure for the disease, a small scar and slightly longer recovery time.


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