Color Symbolism in Interior Decorating

Did you know that the colors you use in your home say a lot about the person you are? We may be completely unaware of it, but we are subconsciously drawn to certain colors that appeal to our emotions. The same is true for the way others respond to your style of interior decorating; when a person is around the color blue, they may feel calm and at peace. However, if you place that same person in a red room, they may feel anxious and stressed. Here we’ll discuss the meaning of colors and how you can use them in interior decorating to achieve the atmosphere you desire.

When we discuss color symbolism, we are referring to three groups of colors. Active colors, passive colors, and neutral colors. Each of these groups includes colors that evoke a different emotion. Before choosing a paint color, consider the effect it will have on the room.

Active colors – Within this group of colors are those that will advance when placed near passive ones. These colors are bold and will stand out. Examples of colors in this group include red, yellow, and yellow.

Passive colors – Passive colors recede when used against active ones. These colors are calming to the senses, and include blue, green, and purple.

Neutral colors – In this group of colors are those that are somewhat colorless. They will blend with any décor, complement a more prominent color, and are easy to use. Colors within this group include gray, taupe, beige, and brown.

Within each group of colors are individual ones that you will use to decorate your home. Here are the meaning of colors of the most popular shades:

Red – Red is a stimulating color that can evoke many different emotions. It can make a person feel passionate, powerful, lustful, or even angry. It is the most popular color choice among men in home decorating. Use the color red sparingly in interior decorating, perhaps as an accent color or on a single wall.

Blue – The color symbolism in blue is unique. It can illicit a feeling of calm and serenity, but can also bring about a feeling of sadness when the wrong shade is used. Bright blues, such as sky blue, Carolina blue, or those found in nature, will bring about a positive emotion in interior decorating. Blue is a wonderful color to use in the bedroom, bathroom, or anywhere where relaxation is desired.

Green – Green is relaxing, calming, and inspiring. It is the color of things found in nature, and can be used in any room of the home with success. It is the color of lush grass, leafy trees, and climbing ivy. Green brings about a feeling of peace, balance, and a sense of well being.

Purple – Royalty, magic, and mystery, are all inspired by the color purple. This color stimulates learning, creativity, and imagination, and is said to be an excellent choice in the classroom or child’s room because of its power.

Yellow – Yellow is happy, upbeat, and inspiring. Yellow is the color of lemons, flowers, tropical fruits, and the sun, so if you’re looking for a paint color that will invigorate the mind and senses, you simply cannot go wrong with yellow. It’s great in the kitchen, dining room, living room, or virtually anywhere in the home. Intelligent people tend to be drawn to the color yellow, too!

Orange – Orange is not a color often used in interior decorating, but when the right shade is used, it offers stunning results. It is an energetic color that will illicit a feeling of happiness and peace. Orange is a nice color to use in the dining room or kitchen because it brings about a feeling of hunger, as well. If you aren’t keen on the color orange, consider adapting it to a shade of gold.

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Jennifer Wagner – Yahoo! Contributor Network

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