Arizona Leadership, Roque Arrogante

Certain people are appointed or placed in strategically decided government positions to take the role of a leader. Some are collectively identified as the most appropriate figures for particular roles that ensemble the methodology and ideology of their superior commander by creating destruction and also put in charge of the damage control plans for existing or revealed controversial activities or designed chaos in order to extort response from others not involved in this decision making process. These rogue figures do so willingly so they can challenge and belittle those who oppose the dialogue or actions taken by their bosses in public.

Taking various positions and identifying these opponents as disgruntled, traitors, misfits or even mentally crazy, their role is to provide a deflection of the real issues at hand and create a delusional effect that directly steers the opposition to a pre-determined direction or inference. Much of their work is done regarding the most critical aspects of their operation and beginning a few years ago, their management style [quietly endorsed] has demonstrated no truth, no transparency and no morality in the manner they operate these prisons.

In Arizona the government is believed to be pimping people to the lowest denominator using them to primarily express a comparison between worthy or unworthy and human and not human. Children have been cast aside for more abuse and more neglect by criminally minded adults as the state is heading for a record high death rate in the very clear view of their own agency, Child Protection Services. Under staffed and underfunded, these agency personnel are struggling to meet the excessive caseloads and heavy back log of investigations putting more children at risk every day there is a delay in action. Healthcare and mental health treatment as covered under government’s umbrella of public wellness has been slashed and decimated to ruins. Education has been reduced in funding causing endless suffering by the teachers to cope with the shortages as state government is showing little effort by state leaders to re-instate it as a priority.

Challenging sentencing reforms to keep the prisons full, they brought forth a strategy to include private prisons into their expansion of prison beds to an unsuspecting public ever since 2009 when the new regime took over. Attempting to keep those imprisoned shackled and chained to meet their appetite for power and control, their style reveals arrogance as they conduct themselves in an unprecedented and uncompromising carnival setting while creating fear, intimidation and death to those incarcerated, with an intensity that is difficult to duplicate.

Arizona is indeed filled with arrogance and rogue leaders who care nothing about others living in this state.

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