Are You Avoiding This Common Weight Loss Mistake?

Everyone trying to lose weight knows that cutting calories is only part of the solution. Exercise is essential if weight loss is to be sustainable. A lifestyle change is necessary. After all, the lifestyle you currently lead got you overweight so obviously a change is needed. How much of a change depends on how much weight you want to lose and whether you plan to keep the excess weight off permanently.

Many people finish their work day knowing they just need to eat something, let the food settle a bit and then off to the gym they go. The most common problem is what you eat before going to the gym. The goal is losing fat not necessarily weight. In other words, you may lose fat but gain muscle and have very little change in your actual weight but still produce the healthy results you are looking for. Many people will eat a meal riddled with carbohydrates causing their body to increase its fat content not reduce it.

Burning Fat

Some experts say if you want to burn fat in your workout don’t eat before going to the gym. The problem with doing this is that you may experience extreme lethargy, dizziness or even nausea. It can be very difficult trying to get a good workout when you are not feeling up to par. There is a much better solution instead of this catch-22 of either eating carbs before your workout or feeling bad while you are working out. Workouts produce endorphins in the brain causing euphoric feelings. Don’t ruin them by starving yourself. Starvation is the worst way to lose weight hands down. Not only is it unhealthy, it is definitely not sustainable and those who try this method almost always gain the weight back.

According to an article in USA Today,

“Muscles usually get their energy from carbohydrates … if you haven’t eaten before exercising, your body doesn’t have many carbohydrates in reserve. That forces it to burn fat instead, scientists say.”

This article is also cited by Dr. Mercola at According to Dr. Mercola,

“It’s also important to realize that eating a full meal, particularly carbohydrates, will inhibit the SNS and reduce the fat burning effect of your exercise. Instead, eating lots of carbs activates your parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), which promotes energy storage-the complete opposite of what you’re aiming for.”

The best way to lose weight is not fasting before working out and compromising your workout performance, it is instead, drinking a protein shake 30 minutes before your workout.

In the article, “Timing Protein Intake Increases Energy Expenditure 24 h after Resistance Training” published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise essentially demonstrated that drinking a protein shake 30 minutes before working out will promote muscle synthesis and fat burning simultaneously.

“Eating lots of carbohydrates activates your parasympathetic nervous system which promotes energy storage – the complete opposite of what you are looking for,” according to Dr. Mercola.

Which Whey is the Best Whey

Consumer Reports tested 15 whey protein powders and found many of the top brands contain toxic metals and may even be artificially sweetened to enhance flavor. Some of the Muscle Milk products tested contained dangerous levels of lead and very near that level of arsenic. Even if you don’t generally read or study nutrition you know these are not metals you want to put into your body. One of the EAS protein products tested very high (above the USP limits) for arsenic and cadmium.

If you would like additional information concerning weight loss and how you can lose weight and keep it off, download the book, “Lose Weight Without Dieting.”

The book should actually be called, Lose Weight Without Starvation because that is exactly what it teaches you. Thousands have utilized the principles in this comprehensive book achieving sustained weight loss for the first time in their lives. Join the thousands who are already experiencing the benefits of more energy, looking and feeling better than ever and of course, getting complimented over and over about their new look!

For all the weight loss secrets along with realistic and scientific weight loss and dieting information that will help you achieve your weight loss goals once and for all, get your copy of the book, “Lose Weight Without Dieting.”

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