5 Ways to Use Tea Instead of Drinking It

People all over the world drink tea in one way or another. Tea is often drank on a daily basis. Some people enjoy drinking it cold with ice while others like to sip hot tea. It’s really a personal choice how you drink it.

Did you know that there are a lot of other uses for tea besides drinking it? These other uses for tea can help make your life easier in more ways then you can imagine. Here are 5 different ways to use tea instead of drinking it. Consider the possibilities.

1. Use Tea on Hair – if your hair is dull and doesn’t have any body then try using unsweetened brewed tea. There are ingredients in the tea that are good for hair and will help condition your hair. To use the unsweetened tea just wash it into your hair and leave it for a couple of minutes. Then rinse out of your hair and do it again if needed. Unsweetened tea will help your hair become healthy.

2. Use Tea in Compost Pile – if you have a compost pile and it’s not really doing what you think it should be doing, then try some tea. Pour a pitcher full of strong tea into the compost pile. The tea will circulate through the compost pile and help it to speed up the bacteria growth. This will make for a much richer and more active compost pile.

3. Use Tea on Gums – have you or a child ever had a tooth pulled or just lost a tooth. Then you know the pain and the blood that’s associated with it. For a lot of people the worse part of losing a tooth is the blood which can make them nervous and anxious. The best way to help with the blood loss is to use tea. Tea bags are all you will need to get bleeding gums under control. Take a cold tea bag and put it on the area that’s bleeding. Bite down on the tea bag and this will help stop the bleeding and help start the clotting process. There are ingredients in the tea that help minimize and often times stop the bleeding all together.

4. Use Tea to Remove Toilet Stains – who would have ever thought that tea would remove stains when often times it causes stains. If your toilet has a lot of stains from water, lime and rust then using tea leaves will help remove the problem. Put a few tea leaves in the water and leave them there for a few hours. Then just flush the toilet and use the toilet bowl brush if you need to. Sometimes this helps get rid of the excess that didn’t come off with the tea leaves. Your toilet bowl should be clean and free of unwanted stains.

5. Use Tea to Make Meat Tender – instead of using a metal mallet to make your meat tender, try using some black tea. Black tea when poured over the meat will work it’s way through the tough meat and turn it into tender meat. Leave the meat in the tea for a couple of hours.

These are just 5 of the ways to use different types of tea. These ways are all different and will make life a little easier. There are more ways that tea can be used and doing some research and using your imagination will help you find other uses.

Tea in it’s different forms can be considered a wonder food. There is so much that can be done with tea and all of it can be very helpful to your and the one’s you love.


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