Wingwomen Are Men’s Secret Weapon in Dating

As a guy I have spent my fair share of time going out with the guys. Once you reach a bar or club men invariably see a woman they want to meet. There’s just one problem: We’re guys. Women know we want to hook up and they know how we use a wingman. They’re bright enough to see through the ploys and cheesy pick up lines. If you’ve been shot down by a woman you tried to pick up you need a secret weapon – the wingwoman.

Yes, I said wingwoman.

Guys, I promise you that having female pals along as your helpers is much more effective than bringing the guys. She can help you meet tons of women more easily than you ever imagined. It’s so remarkably effective that businesses are springing up to provide the service.

One is a New York City area entity called The founder, Shane Forbes, describes on the site how hanging out with a few female friends made it easy to meet other women. The site explains why this is so in a list that reads like applied psychology lessons.

Among’s claims:

Women are attracted to men who have already attracted women to them. Women are competitive and want what other women have.
A female friend can establish rapport for you with other women.
Women lower their defenses around other women.

At the time of this writing men are paying that company $75 an hour and up to provide a wingwoman’s services. The business appears successful, so they are probably right in their assumptions about dating.

Similar businesses have appeared like Susan Baxter’s and Dennis Jeanpierre’s The model works.

Before you rush off to hire a wingwoman there are a few things to keep in mind. First, they are not your dates for the night and are not call girls. They’re with you to help you meet other women and then let you run with the opportunity.

Second, while they appear to enjoy a high success rate nothing is guaranteed. They can help you get introduced but they can’t make you someone you’re not. You’ll need some social skills for after your wingwoman introduces you.

Finally, you may have female friends willing to help you this way without the hefty fee. If you do this helpful article on SparkLife can show her how to be a great wingwoman.

Sometimes the right man for the job is a woman. Leave the guys at home and bring a wingwoman to your next bar night.

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