Were Jesus and John Really Who the Bible Says They Are?

Here’s a theory that is interesting…is it true, read your bible? You decide.


John and Yeshua (Jesus’ real name) were part of a group called the Essenes. They believed in taking the ideas of nonviolence/love for all people/interconnectedness/internal meditation/and some other things that are only hinted about, so I won’t talk about them. In order for me to explain the other parts, I’d have to delve into other things….let’s not do that part right now.

The essenes are the same people who wrote the dead sea scrolls. However, these are also the people (historically there’s a direct line) that are descended from the original “tabernacle keepers” (where the arc was housed and such). They were then the inner sanction of the 1st Temple, the inner sanctum of the 2nd temple, and they were the ones that ran into the fire and saved a lot of things. These are also the people that were the original librarians of the library of Alexandria. This is a group that can trace itself back to the original documents of the bible and the original stories of the bible. As well as the original writings of the ancient ancient world.

This sect were also the high rabbinical scholars. There is also really really good proof that the “scholars” that Jesus speaks to in the bible when he was a child are these people.

Anyway, there’s a balance of families – the high royal family (decedents of David – keeper of the secrets of the arc, the secrets of god, and the secrets of all) and the government/law family (descendants of Levi – keeper of the real story of the rules and laws of god, keeper of all secrets of life). Both of these families were the high families of the temple and were the only ones allowed in the inner part of the temples, inner parts of all things! Yeshua was descendant of the David family. John was the descendant of the Levi family. These two families were never brought together after the destruction of the 2nd temple. According to prophecy, when these two families walked into Jerusalem – the world would see the new kingdom and peace would reign through the land. It’s 2 halves of the whole. This is the reason that John is spoken about so highly and his birth is given such recognition in the bible. Remember, 2 of the gospels(which are suppose to be all about Jesus, speak of the birth of John) John leads the order and hails the coming of the other side to make the world whole again. Also remember, John arrived on the scene before Jesus and had 1000’s of followers. Yeshua arrives and we now have the two pieces of the truth and of god together.

Jesus however treks out on his own against John’s wishes and John is beheaded. So instead of the world becoming whole and good at that moment, we now have what becomes known as Jesus Christ and the creation of Christianity. At this moment, the essences go under ground….however the families are still tracked to this day. 1 family is tracked underground. The other is tracked openly. The family of Levi is still tracking their decedents. The family of David….is it being tracked? That would mean Yeshua had a baby. Did that happen?

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