Ways to Stop Putting Things Off

It is easy to put off chores, jobs, calls and other activities that are not exactly fun or exciting. Some might be very unpleasant, but things like this are a necessary part of life. It is easy to procrastinate and continue putting them off, but this is not a good practice for more than one reason. Use these ways to stop putting things off, and put an end to procrastination. Stop waiting and do it now!

Start and Stop with a List

Those that procrastinate are often also unorganized. When looking for ways to stop putting things off, begin with a list. Put the most important task at the top of the list, and keep a pen right beside it. Clearing off the list is a great incentive, and this can significantly help when trying to stop putting things off. Be sure to start the list now instead of putting it off until tomorrow. As my grandmother used to say, tomorrow might never come. Do not wait around to find out!

Use a Timer for Encouragement

Once people get started on a particularly daunting job, they often find out that it is not as bad as they thought. They get on a roll, and they build up the energy to keep on working. Once some people start they do not want to quit, especially when they see the results of their work.

When trying to stop putting things off, use a timer for encouragement. Set it for fifteen to twenty minutes. Once the timer rings, chances are you will want to keep on going. Set it as many times as necessary to get the job done. Stop putting things off and buy a timer now. Otherwise, use a stove timer, a microwave oven timer or a timer on a cell phone.

Do it First Thing in the Morning

Procrastination is the act of putting things off. Actually it is more inaction than action. When trying to stop this bad practice, complete the most undesirable jobs first thing in the morning. Wait until the afternoon or evening and they might never get done. It is best to finish the least desirable chores first and look forward to relaxing as the day goes on. Use the aforementioned timer and list along with this helpful tip, and procrastination will no longer be a problem. You will feel good about your accomplishments and your new-found way of life.

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