Vitamin D Requirements for Children

Vitamin D is essential to human health. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps our bodies absorb calcium and magnesium. Unlike other vitamins, which must be obtained by consuming foods, children – and adults – can get all the vitamin D they need from the sun.

How Much Vitamin D do Children Need?

The exact daily requirement for children ages 1 and up is 15 mcg. However, it is not necessary to measure your child’s vitamin D intake as long as they play outside regularly. Children of all ages can get all the vitamin D they need by spending 10 to 15 minutes in sunlight at least three times a week.

How Much Vitamin D is Too Much?

Too much of any vitamin can have ill effects and vitamin D is no exception. If children take in too much vitamin D, it can make them sick. It is known as vitamin D toxicity and the symptoms can range from extreme weight loss to heart arrhythmias. Children under the age of 4 should have no more than 63 mcg a day; children under the age of 9 should have no more than 75 mcg a day; and children 9 and up should have no more than 100 mcg daily.

What Happens if Your Child Does Not Get Enough Vitamin D?

Although this is unlikely, it does happen from time to time. A vitamin D deficiency typically occurs when a child is deprived of time outdoors. If a child does not spend enough time outdoors playing in sunlight and does not ingest enough vitamin D from other sources, they will develop rickets.

What Foods Contain Vitamin D?

Not many foods contain vitamin D. Some foods, like orange juice, soymilk, and children’s cereals and snacks, are fortified with vitamin D. Some of the foods that naturally contain vitamin D are milk, yogurt, tuna, cod, egg yolks and beef liver.

Should I Give My Child a Vitamin D Supplement?

No. You should only give your child a vitamin D supplement if they are prescribed one by a pediatrician. Your child should be getting plenty of vitamin D from being in the sunlight and eating foods that are fortified with or naturally contain vitamin D.

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