Tips on Conquering Double Chin

Yes, you can have a double chin and still be skinny. Of course, you can have a double chin when you have put on a few pounds. If you aren’t sure if you have one or not, all you have to do is have a close picture taken of your face and neck. If you have a double chin, it will definitely show up then. Now the question is how to conquer or whether get rid of that double chin?


Yes, plastic surgery is the tried and true way to get rid of a double chin. But really do you have the money for this? If you do, do you have the nerve to have this done?

Lose Weight

Yes, losing weight can help get rid of a double chin. But do remember you can have a double chin and still be considered skinny. Part of this can be traced back to heredity. Yes, look at your relatives (mom, grandma and even dad).


Yes, exercise is the key to losing weight. Exercise is the key to losing fat. This includes neck fat. You can do the cardio exercises to lose the weight all over your body. But you also need to do the pinpoint exercises to lose the weight precisely in your neck.

Neck Exercises

Yes, these must be done. There is no choice to it. What types of exercises should you be doing?

Try doing a side to side twist. Simply do a repetition of moving your head and neck from your right side to your left side. Do this slowly. Try doing an up and down movement with your head. Move your head upwards and then downwards in a slow steady motion. Head rotations. In a sitting or standing position, rotate your head in a circle from your right shoulder downward, to your left shoulder and back to starting position. Repeat and then rotate in the opposite position. Open your mouth as wide as you can. Hold this pose for a few seconds. Now close your mouth. Repeat a few times to help conquer a double chin. Sit upright on a chair. Now lean your head backwards, stretch it as far back as you can comfortably. Hold for a few seconds. Repeat. Stand up. Try to keep good posture. Now stretch your neck backwards as your face looks up at the ceiling. As you are staring upwards make a kissing like effect with your mouth as if you want to kiss the ceiling. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Repeat.

Chew Gum

Yes, chewing gum is an exercise that works your entire jaw muscles. This will keep eliminate fat from forming. Just remember to select a sugarless type of gum to keep from developing any teeth problems.

Nobody wishes to have a double chin. It isn’t an attractive look. Luckily, there are ways to combat it. However, it does take patience, as well as determination.

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