The Last Will and Testament of MTV

To use an overused phrase: MTV has finally jumped the shark. “Finally,” you say? Didn’t they do that years ago? Let’s not argue semantics here, but get right to the point of this article: Beavis and Butthead are the two most intelligent personalities on the network. That being said, I will admit I have always been a fan of the knuckleheads from Highland. But part of the charm of the show was being entertained by the dumb antics and outrageously stupid things these guys did. You knew what to expect going in, and there was no pretense.

Wisely, MTV brought back the dim-witted duo and Mike Judge has started right where he left off with the first incarnation. He did make one change from the first run of the show back in the 90s: now, the boys not only poke fun at music videos, but give their own, sometimes insightful, impressions of many of MTV’s reality shows. Jersey Shore is a regular target, as is Sixteen and Pregnant. These shows are perfect fodder for the boys because it seems they have finally come across a demographic even more thickheaded than they are: The MTV reality “star.”

With such classic titles as: ‘Date My Mom,’ ‘Engaged and Underaged,’ Teen Mom,’ and ‘Paris Hilton’s My New BFF’,’ it is no wonder that MTV is responsible for killing off more brain cells in one setting than a bottle of tequila. I found it rather ironic that Mike Judge’s idiot-savants are now the voice of reason over at MTV. Strangely, I don’t think this is what people want. MTV ceased being “music television” years ago, and people have been complaining ever since. It’s a running joke now, as is the network.

Look at a list of past MTV reality shows and you will know what I mean. Most are one season wonders and gone. Nobody watched them. The younger generation should be offended that MTV thinks so lowly of their intellect that they keep putting up this tripe, thinking that’s what they want to be entertained by. With new shows on the horizon like ‘I Just Want My Pants Back,’ it seems the trend continues.

Music Television is dead! Long live MTV! They should change the acronym to ‘Moron Television,’ as showcasing the moronic seems to be more their style. I’m sure even Mark Knopfler is thinking twice about playing ‘I Want my MTV’ these days. It’s not likely MTV will bring back music anytime soon, but at the very least can’t they at least stop rubbing our noses in the stank that is ‘Snookie’ and the ‘Situation?’

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