The Last Day of the War

What terrible discord, thought Master Penance as he gazed out the window polishing his peculiar pocket watch. He stared down at the tiny city below, still recovering from the last air raid. This war had no meaning to these poor people, struggling to get their lives back on track as well as dealing with their losses.

Master Penance was first dragged into this war by being the head sorcerer of King Edward. He was asked to make poisonous gasses, spells that would give the military an advantage over King Maximilien’s military and, most importantly, healing potions. Before the war, he was able to make potions and spells for the citizens of the kingdom. However, now, the king demanded all potions and spells for himself and the military. Master Penance was never one for rules, however, and in the middle of the night he would often steal a personal flyer on the airship and descend to the city where he helped many of the kingdom’s citizens.

He looked at his watch, adjusting his monocle; they were now entering the seventh year of this terrible war. Honestly, Master Penance couldn’t remember why it began and he doubted either of the kings could. But none of that mattered anymore for tonight at precisely 19:14 the war would end exactly like he predicted a decade ago. He ensured that the war between King Edward and King Maximilien would come to an end by setting up both kings for this day. Roughly, three years ago he presented himself to King Maximilien as Master Thomson and made weapons for him and his military as well as secretly helps the citizens of the kingdom.

He led both of them to today, telling each of them that the other would be attacking and to counter it at the bridge between their two lands. He had already put a spell on King Maximilien’s airship and now he whispered the incantation to place the exact same spell on King Edward’s. He gathered up as many healing potions as he could, placed them in his bag, and cast a spell of invisibility upon himself. He walked past the many soldiers, all unaware of his presence, and went to the bottom of the airship where they kept all the personal flyers. Thankfully, there were no soldiers here at the moment, as they were all gathering for a war meeting. Adjusting his bowler hat onto his head so it wouldn’t fly off, he pushed the button that opened the small door and flew out of the airship.

The air was thick with fog, but Master Penance knew exactly where the rendezvous point was and it only took him a few minutes to get there. By that time the invisibility spell had worn off and he landed on the gentle grass of the hill between King Edward’s land and King James’ land.

“So tell me, my old friend,” said King James, as he stood proudly, overlooking the kingdom and smiling softly, “Is the plan set?”

Master Penance bowed, “Yes, Sire. Both the main airships holding the kings and their council will be destroyed, leaving their kingdoms open for you.”

“Excellent,” replied the King. “It is such a shame how this war has affected their kingdoms. We’ll soon see to that.”

“Citizens of both kingdoms are too weak to rebel against their own king. They have a severe shortage of food and many of their supplies must go to the military.”

“Fear not, Master Penance,” the king said, placing his hand upon Master Penance’s shoulder. “With your magic and my prosperity, these kingdoms will live happily once again. Now, let us watch the show, dear friend.”

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