The Chosen One: Alex’s Fear

If you’d told me four months ago that I was a god I would have laughed in your face. If you’d said I was the chosen one destined to destroy mankind I would have been on the floor in stitches. If you had continued on to say that my two best mates, Alex, and Fern, also had special destinies;one chosen to unlock my ultimate demonic power, and the other destined to kill me, we would have looked at you and asked what you were on.

It’s still hard to believe even as I prepare myself for a battle that so many have been waiting and preparing for centuries. So much has happened in the last few months, they say that you should live out your youth to the fullest because it’s fleeting. If I’d known then what I know now I would have taken a few more risks.

In a matter of a few weeks either I will be dead or I will have destroyed the entire world. Asking Collette to the dance doesn’t seem quite as scary as it did several weeks ago. I look around the mansion as everyone is loading up weapons and continue to sit alone quietly with my thoughts.

How is it that I am to be responsible for the end of an era? Alex glances over at me, loads some bullets in the shot gun he’s holding and clicks it. It seems he’s ready for this war. I can’t help wondering what the hell happened to us?

Alex and I were your typical sixteen year old blokes who went to school and hated it. It’s not like we were the most popular guys in school, nor were we nerds. We both believe that’s due to our killer good looks.

Laden High is one of the ultra cliquey schools they make teen movies out of. My reign of power started simply enough. It started how all things start someone offered it to me, Shana to be exact she invited Alex, Fern, and I to her house party. I was going to turn down an offer from one of the hottest girls in our class? Of course not. The fact that Alex was pinching me and whispering “go for it”, played a vital part as well.

I get off the chair and walk upstairs to my bedroom. Perhaps if I think back hard enough, I can figure out exactly when I turned to the dark side, and prevent this war from happening.

I can’t be all that bad can I? I don’t really want to harm anyone but what am I going to do? When it was the sole reason I was born? If I simply say I’ve changed my mind I will be thought of as an impostor and be slaughtered no questions asked.

I close the bedroom door behind me and lay down on the nice silky duvet, if only I could hide up here forever.

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