Tarot Scopes for January 2012

The High Priestess. This month you are being tapped on the shoulder by your Spirit Guides to go within and listen to your intuition for answers. There may be a situation that may not be all that it seems, and requires a deeper look to get to the truth. Call in the spiritual big guns to illuminate the unknown and assign a spiritual task force to shed insight on what you need to know. A session with an intuitive can also confirm what your instincts are telling you and bring additional clarity through dream analysis or past life exploration work.

King of Pentacles. Get your money house in order through the support of trusted financial advisor. Now is the time to consolidate your debts, put money into savings and do careful research before investing in new business ventures. You are in a great position to lay a foundation for future success by the smart actions you take over the next couple of weeks.

Seven of Cups. Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices in front of you? Or are you clinging to an illusion? It may be time to let go of a fantasy and focus on what is really possible. Separate fantasy from the realistic options by talking them over with a therapist or life coach to give you fresh perspective and honest feedback.

Ten of Pentacles. This is the month where your hard work can really pay off and lead to financial security. Start planning for a family vacation, second home or come together to support other relatives and friends in need. Create a strong circle of support and let them know you can be counted on.

Four of Rods. It’s all good. You are entering a period where things can move to the next level. Some relationships see deeper commitment by moving in together or making plans for marriage. And others may celebrate a new milestone such as a promotion or praise for a job well done. Stay open to how the Universe gives you kudos and acknowledges the growth you are making in your life.

King of Rods. Is there a great idea that you haven’t put into action? The King of Rods feeds the fire in your belly so you can get your idea in front of the people who can help transform it from a seed of potential to a garden of new enterprises. This is your time to take the lead, be bold, and impress with your charisma to capitalize on the opportunities coming your way. So what are you waiting for? An invitation from the Universe? Get moving… You’ve got what it takes to make the world fall in love with your vision!

Three of Pentacles. Are you doing what you love? Think about whether you are doing the work because it’s what you love or because it just provides a steady paycheck. This month, you are being encouraged to develop your skills so you can rise to the top of your field, or get the training needed to apply to a job that’s in alignment with your passions. Dare to dream big and affirm that you have the talent and experience to land the right job that makes you emotionally and financially fulfilled.

Nine of Pentacles. Abundance is all around you now. Sit back and savor the delicious moments of having exactly what you need. It’s your time to live your life on your terms. Turn down the volume from the peanut gallery and do what makes you happy. Take a chapter from Under the Tuscan Sun and step into a lifestyle you’ve always wanted to live. Happy trails!

Five of Cups. Sometimes people change, relationships reach their expiration date or we must let go of an outgrown condition. Give yourself time to grieve the loss, so you can move forward and create the space for someone or something that is much better for you. Embrace change and trust that the Universe is creating an ending so a new chapter can begin that promises to be brighter and filled with joy.

Queen of Pentacles. You may have your fair share of responsibilities to take care of right now. Maintain a grounded and practical mindset to get things accomplished. Keep your emotional balance by Feng Shuing your work and home environments so positive chi can flow harmoniously through your space. De-clutter, smudge and place beautiful things to reflect conditions that nurture success and stability.

Ten of Cups. You are truly loved. Get together with your extended family and network of friends and show them how much they mean to you. Arrange a potluck dinner or neighborhood block party and have some fun!

Six of Cups. Still daydreaming about the past? Or thinking about what could have been? Snap out of it! The past is gone and you may miss out on the fabulosity waiting for you today by letting the ghosts of what was live in your head rent-free. It’s a brand new year, and a new opportunity to shape the course of your life. Give yourself a chance to be happy by focusing on the potentials that lie in the present. You never know what exciting new possibilities await unless you are open to them.

Need some laser sharp guidance into a situation or issue? Zuri Eberhart is available for personal tarot readings. Visit AskZuri.com for more information.

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