Smoking Around Children: Protecting Children from Adults Smoking in Vehicle, Sign Petition Here

The Reality of Second-Hand Smoking in a Vehicle with Children

Whenever I drive to work or come back from the local store, I am surprised at what I see when it comes to people. Today on the way home, I witnessed a woman smoking in her car with a minor child riding in the back seat. I wish I could have gotten her attention. This type of behavior is very upsetting and it is disturbing to witness. Shockingly, there are only a hand full of states that have passed a law preventing smoking in a vehicle that is occupied by a child. A hand full? This should be a federal law. Our president should stop worrying about a deficit that will never be paid off and start focusing on the future of this country. That future is our children. The ones getting sick from second-hand smoke. The ones that have no control over the situation they are in. My opinion? This is worse than any other form of child abuse. I invite anyone who does smoke — or even those who do not — to visit the smoking area at the Atlanta Airport. If you want to know what that child is experiencing by riding in a car with a smoker in the front seat, then go stand in that smoking area for 10 minutes. If I sound bitter about this subject, it is because I am bitter. I have read about some of the fines certain states have which enforce banning smoking in a car with a child inside; $100.00 or $50.00. Are you serious? This is a slap on the wrist and is not going to stop anyone from breaking the law. If you think about what the chances are of getting caught in the first place, most smokers would take the chance. The fine needs to be high enough that it will make people think twice about getting caught.

What Can Be Done About Protecting Children From Adults Smoking in a Vehicle?

How can we help our children? Get petitions going to make it a federal law preventing anyone from smoking in a home or a vehicle that has, or is, transporting children. I am going to begin a petition myself for the whole country. This should not be a state-to-state law; it should be a federally mandated law.

According to an article in the New York Times by Stephen Ceaser, “New York would join a handful of states with similar laws”.

We as parents of children and even adults without children need to step up and make a change. Of all the silly laws in this country, I cannot believe only a few states have one to protect these innocent children from being exposed to second-hand smoke in a vehicle. I say let’s take a stand. Do you want our future presidents to have lung cancer or any other related diseases that smoking brings? How long can we turn our heads and ignore this?

Sign petition HERE to protect children from second-hand smoking in a car

It is far bad enough at children in our country are subjected to physical and mental abuse. I am a strong believer that our children do not have a chance in this society as long as their needs are being ignored. As a society, we can all change this. Let’s give our children a voice and let it be heard.

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