Shakur’s Success

On September 13, 1996 legendary rapper Tupac Shakur died at age twenty five. Fifteen years later his murder still remains unsolved. There are endless rumors concerning the details of his death. Some question whether or not he died at all, others think there was a conspiracy surrounding his death. Although, his murder will probably remain a mystery it was his life that lead to his legacy. Undoubtedly, most rappers attribute their own success in the industry and their passion for hip hop music to him. So, what was it about Tupac that made him stand apart from other artist and become one of the most influential rappers of all time?

Who he was…

Far from what his critics have claimed, Tupac was more than thug and entertainer. He was a very well educated young man. He attended high school at the Baltimore School for Arts. He had an intense passion for literature, he studied acting, poetry and ballet while in school (IMDB). Not only was he successful, he became one of the world’s most controversial and perhaps misunderstood artists of all time. He generated for himself the character of a thug. He wanted more than his voice to be heard as an artist; he wanted to change the world. He was a poet filled with passion for equality, respect, and music. He used musical career and success as a tool to touch on the much deeper issues within society.

What he believed in…

He stood up for what he believed in. Tupac frequently refers to his strong belief and dependence on God within his lyrics. In some of his songs he is speaking directly to him. He also had strong political views and voiced them without fear, even though he knew there was risk in doing so. He spoke often about the problems faced within the black community and his desire for change to take place. Some of his critics claim that he was somewhat racist himself because some of his song titles and groups he that belonged to. Tupac hoped for equality amongst all races, but was open about the struggles and differences he faced being black man.

His passion…

Tupac’s passion without a doubt is what made him loved by so many, yet it also infuriated his enemies. He performed with his emotions on his sleeve. His lyrics are full of foul language, emotion, and controversy. His emotions are undeniable within his music. Whether loved or hated …his music was felt by. He made his disputes public. He slammed his enemies and their momma’s into pieces. He was confident and daring when sharing his opinion, living up to one of his most well-known quotes, “I would rather die like a man, than live like a coward” (Tupac).

How he changed hip-hop…

He brought serious issues into mainstream hip-hop. He spoke about real life problems that real life people were dealing with. His music shed light on topics and issues most people did not want to talk about or even hear about. He rapped about poverty, racism, the government, the music industry…and everything else that most people were uncomfortable discussing. He was not making music for the sole purpose of entertainment. He made music that voiced these problems. Even after going to jail and being shot four times, he kept on going. He came out of jail with more fans. After surviving four bullet wounds he wrote more songs, with more passion. He did not let the harsh conditions in his life stand in the way of being a voice for others. Even death could not stop his success. Ten albums have been released since his death; all of them going platinum (IMDB). Despite the fact that all of his albums have explicit lyrics and adult content his music continues to inspire and encourage many people all over the world. Tupac Shakur will always be remembered as one of the youngest, most successful, controversial artist of all time. His success is proof that hard work, dedication mixed with lots of passion can make anything possible.

IMDB. (n.d.). Biography of Tupac Shakur. Retrieved September 3, 2011, from IDMB:

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