Running My Own Business Gives Me Hope

Towards the end of 2008, I began a journey that would change my life: I started my own business. I never thought that I would run a business; in fact, I once discouraged my husband from starting a business because I didn’t think that we could afford it. Once I discovered that not all businesses were the same, and I found a business that fit into my lifestyle and skills, I discovered that I loved what I did and the possibilities that come along with it. While I may never run a Fortune 500 company, my business brings in money that helps me afford the things that we need, and gives me hope for the future.

The Unexpected Entrepreneur

Several years ago, I didn’t think that I was cut out to be an entrepreneur. My aunt makes a good living selling antiques through eBay, but when I tried it, I just couldn’t figure out how to make a profit. I tried selling scrapbook supplies; although I love scrapbooking, I discovered that trying to talk people into buying things was not for me. My attempts at making money on were also disappointing. I figured that running a business was not for me.

Unfortunately, our financial situation was nothing to write home about. My husband was going to school and working as a writer, but we were earning below the poverty level and it was hard earning enough money to pay the bills. I was homeschooling my daughter, and didn’t really want to give that up; I had to find some way to earn money that would allow me to teach at the same time. I was faced with the choice of working in fast food in the evenings and on weekends, or finding something else to do. Fortunately, I found Associated Content and discovered that I could actually make money writing from home. That was where my little online business began.

Doing What I Love

I love running my own business. My business gives me freedom that I wouldn’t otherwise have at another kind of job. I can do as little or as much work as I want. I have been able to expand my business from article writing to include web page creation and product design. I can work late at night, while the kids are taking a break in the middle of the school day, or even while I’m on vacation. For example, I took my kids camping across the Western United States over the summer while my husband went to an internship in Alaska; while I was there, I took pictures that I could use for work. Although some people resent working while they’re on vacation, I love it.

Possibilities for the Future

Back when I worked for somebody else, I knew what I was going to get paid every month. I knew that over time, I would get raises, but there was always a limit to how much I would get paid. With my business, the possibilities are endless. If a lot of people read my articles, click my links, or buy the products that I create, my income will see it. Over time, my income has gone up. I still love what I’m doing. I don’t know where my business will end up, but the possibilities are endless, and as a result, I have hope for the future.

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