Purchasing a Grain Mill: How to Select a Great One

The starting point for making a decision about which grain mill to buy is to visit a good review on the web. There are not many true reviews for grain mills or grain grinders if you prefer, on the web. There are a few that have great information about them but for the most part grain mill reviews are few and far between.

If you are thinking of buying a grain grinder, it is a major expense for you and your family. The typical electric home mill can cost from about $225 to $700. There are some that are more and I don’t know of any that are less. There are also hand cranked home grain mills that generally run from about $79 up to about $600. I don’t profess to know all of the makes and models that are on the market, but these price ranges are generally accurate.

Price is only one element of the decision process, but I bring it up first because it lets you know that in most cases the up-front investment is not cheap. In the long run, you will save money buying and grinding your own wheat and corn, but in the beginning it can set you back.

What are the major things you should consider when looking for a Grain Mill Review on the web? The following subjects should be covered in the review and are not necessarily listed in their order of importance.

Electric or hand powered Grains it will mill Grains it will not mill Hopper capacity Flour canister capacity Ease of cleaning Dimensions of the grain mill Weight Noise level Motor Size Range of flour coarseness Quality of the burr or stones Quality of the finish Warranty Price

Each of these items is very important in making a decision about your purchase of a grain grinder. The emphasis you place on one item over the other will ultimately determine the most important items.

For example, someone on a limited budget will give more consideration to cost than almost anything else. After that hurdle is reached then other items will fall in place. If you are not concerned with price, then your top item may be quality of the finish. Is it a high quality wood finish? If you are concerned about size because of space limitation, then you might look at size first.

There is no firm answer what should be first because it does differ by person. Everything listed should be taken into consideration, because once you make your selection, you will own it for many years and hopefully get the great service you deserve.

When you do a search on the web, I suggest that you search under:

Grain Mill Comparisons Grain Mill Reviews Grain Grinder Comparisons Grain Grinder Reviews

You will find just a few that really give you the complete lowdown. Be sure to check them out because this is where your search should begin. It may not end at this point, but at least you will be off to a great start in your purchase of a home grain mill.

I always recommend that you check out Healthy Kitchen Plus to find a great price on a quality grain mill. But before you make the decision to buy, be sure to check out the grain mill review/comparison chart .

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