Predictions for the Year 2012

Almost everyone has some kind of prediction as to what the year 2012 will be like. Some think that it is going to be a good year and that things are going to get better. Sometimes I feel like asking them what world do they live in? Are they really oblivious to all that is going on? Many others think just the opposite. They sense that 2012 will just be a continuation of where we left off in 2011, and that things are only going to escalate and get worse. This view comes from both Christians and non-Christians. As the Christians know, Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes.

I definitely agree that things are only going to get worse. I do not mean to sound so negative but we have to face reality because things are going downhill very rapidly. Things are going to escalate because the Anti-Christ is getting ready to come on the scene and take over to rule this world. He will appear as if he has the answers to all of the world’s problems. He will be the leader of the New World Order in which there will be one government and one religion that everyone will have to follow. This has been in the making for many years and is now complete and ready to emerge.

Before this can happen, one big event must take place according to the Bible. Jesus needs to come back and snatch His people from this earth. He has promised to spare us from His wrath which will be poured out during the seven year tribulation period. 2012 could definitely be the year that Jesus returns because all prophecy has been fulfilled. We have to be taken out of here so that the rest of the events unfold.

Until Jesus does return, what does this mean for the Christians? I have to admit that when I hear certain things and read about them, that it can be very frightening. You hear about a food shortage coming and that people are urging others to stock up on food. Also, the food prices are eventually going to sky rocket. The Bible does talk about a huge famine happening during the tribulation period. The disappearance of honeybees over the last few years will contribute to this famine.

We also know that the economy is slowly failing. I believe it will collapse totally once millions and millions of people are gone from this earth. I read something just today about the banks eventually failing. My first thought was “Should I take my money out?” When I get these thoughts I have to stop and ask God to forgive me for entertaining these ideas for even a minute. He has always provided and taken care of His children throughout the Bible and has proved Himself over and over again.

When I lived in NJ many years ago, I remember a Pastor saying “Let the economy collapse and let all the banks fail. My God has promised to meet all of our needs according to His riches in glory.” Those words came back to me in a flash today after reading an article about the economy. These words comforted me big time.

Steve Hill is a Pastor in Florida. He recently gave a beautiful illustration of how God’s people can still thrive in this crumbling world. He mentioned that he and his family love to scuba dive. One day he got to realize that the weather doesn’t necessarily have to be in your favor to have a good dive. He said that even during storms, the divers are still able to accomplish what they want to and are able to succeed.

Yes, things are going to get worse in 2012. There’s no doubt about that. I do not know how much longer we are going to be here and how much more we will see. If you are a believer, you are safe in God’s hands. He has always and will continue to take care of His own. We are His treasured possessions. He will spare His children from His upcoming wrath.

If you have still not accepted Jesus as your Savior, time is running out. You will face the most catastrophic time of your life if you are left behind when Jesus returns. I literally beg you to make things right with God before it’s too late. The decision is yours though. You need to ask God to forgive your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. He died on the cross for your sins but you must accept Him. Repent and change your life so that you will be a part of the multitude of people that will go with Jesus when He returns. This article is not meant to scare you. You need to come to Jesus because you are grateful for what He did for you on the cross. Any other reason wouldn’t be right.

Today is the day of salvation the Bible says. You may not get another chance. No one is promised tomorrow. Jesus may come tonight or you could have an accident and die. It will be too late then. You will spend an eternity in hell separated from God forever. The Bible describes this place as a place of torment and flames. If you are reading this article, it is not by chance. Come to Jesus before it is too late. He could come at any moment.

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