Playing Ahri in League of Legends

Ahri is a kitsune character known for her spirit focused abilities hailing from the island nation of Ionia. Ahri excels in any situation due to her spells vamp inducing passive ability and her deceptively high damaging abilities. Her abilities allow her to control the lane well due to her crowd control ability, Charm, that allow for early game ganks and her multi target Fox-Fire ability. No real weakness in laning, she has the advantage of being a character that must be noticed throughout the game. Focus on getting her ultimate, Sprit Rush, mastered for late game juking and team fights.


Essence Theft, Ahri’s passive ability allows for the buildup of spell power to execute a massive spell vamp when casting her charged ability. This is especially useful for fighting during the laning phase when spells with be constantly used to zone the opposing champion.

Orb of Deception, Ahri’s first spell has special properties that when used correctly allow for great control during any fight. The direct attack with her Orb deals a moderate amount of damage that extends for a certain range. Upon the return, the Orb deals non-resistible true damage to those caught in its path, this causes the opponent to dodge and be controlled by Ahri. In a team fight, the Orb of Deception will force opponents to move out of the way, thus forcing them to modify their technique.

Producing three homing projectiles, Fox-Fire allows for an offensive ability that requires little to no focus on the player, allows their thoughts to be moved to other things in the fight. Best used early for maximum efficacy, Fox-Fire allows for high damage and zoning control. Best capped late, Fox-Fire allows for other abilities to be maxed beforehand for the most output.

Charm, like Orb of Deception, is another skill shot built to provide crowd control. Charm is unique in that it is both a taunt ability and ranged, this provides a very powerful tool during fights and the laning phase. Champions hit by Charm are also slowed while they move toward Ahri, this allows the ability to be used as a survivability and retreat choice when ganked or overpowered.

An outstanding ultimate due to its multiple usages, Spirit Rush gives Ahri a highly useful function at all points throughout the game. When Spirit Rush is used, Ahri moves towards the mouse and sends out balls of damaging energy. Not only used to quickly confuse opponents during a fight, it can also be used to retreat out of unfavorable conditions. If used in tandem with Charm, few opponents even have the opportunity to match your escape.


Like most champions, flash and ignite are very useful summoner spells for Ahri. Flash allows for even greater mobility, and when used in tandem with her ultimate, Ahri is uncatchable for most any champion. Ignite is useful of course due to its true damage overtime.

With offensive masteries allows for the greatest efficiency on Ahri, an aggressive game is sure to be at hand. An option of moving with utility is a little less effective, unless it suits your play style better than offense.

Of course runes are up to personal preference; however, there are more effective tools than others. Ahri gains the most overall bonuses when using Potency glyphs or Force glyphs depending on your early or late game strengths and weaknesses. Mana regeneration and magic penetration seals and marks are best used. While Quintessence runes can be any of the three for great success.


As with any character that uses charges for their passive or abilities, make sure that if damaged; use Essence Theft on large groups of enemies or on a minion wave. Early ganking is advisable with Ahri due to her evasion abilities that allow her to stay outside of the range of towers. It is a good idea to use her ultimate last to keep options of retreat open for Ahri if the battle goes sour.

Ahri excels at large group fights due to her a swift cooldown on abilities. Keep outside of the main fight because she is not built around defense rather almost entirely offense. If sure of a successful chase, make use of her ultimate to hunt down a fleeing opponent or gank through trees. Nothing is more satisfying than pouncing on a recalling champion through the bushes and retreating before an opponent can come to the rescue. Learning skill shot skills is the most important part of playing Ahri.

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