Paradise in Boracay

I have just returned from my exploration of an island that is so magnificent it defies the imagination. And although there are many among me, I feel a peacefulness and solitude I sorely needed.

This is a place for lovers. As one departs from the catamaran that takes you from the mainland to the island, one sees nothing but the whitest of sand beneath an azure blue sea!! The water ripples and your feet sink as you make your way up to an extraordinarily clean white beach. And one is awestruck!

Tonight as I was walking home after trying several internet places and spending several pesos (I can’t even configure the currency difference) I could hear the lyrical voice of a male and female singing a tune that brought memories of my youth to the surface. The wind brushed against my cheek and you could hear the faint whisper of it tickling the trees. Candles shone all along the beach and I was able to see the shadows of lovers both young and old, limbs entwined, watching the moonlight. I could see an older couple caressing each others’ arms and what I saw wasn’t sexual but merely people enjoying the moment, the magnificence and peacefulness of a place many haven’t heard of. They were revelling in each other. So much tenderness, it was joyful. I could feel my eyes begin to fill. And I smiled. And I walked. And my feet sunk in the soft, tickly sand, sinking deeper and deeper as I moved away from the main strip.

I saw ads for kite boating and I think I will try that – my newest adventure. Went into a bar looking for food at this godforesaken hour 11:30 and a handsome man said he’d have what I was having and I panicked. However, he was drunk and harmless and from Germany. He runs a cruise/sailing boat business and just wanted to talk and despite the fact that I knew of the language difference and spoke slowly and as simply as I know how, he was consistently asking me to explain euphemisms and catchy phrases ie: “pig sty”. Surely a German would know what that meant, but he didn’t. And at the end he introduced himself although I already knew his name because a woman friend of his (not his gal) was extolling his virtues and my perception was that she was eliciting me to sign for the cruise (I did not). He asked me my name which I gave, and then I shook his hand, turned, said goodnight and returned to my residence.

It is absolutely brutal here with computers. There is only one place I can use to access MSN and get a decent connect. I dare not try to hook up my computer for fear of corrupting it somehow. As I write this to you, tears are streaming down my cheeks. My brother’s son, my nephew the artist, genius, only child, sent me the most beautiful valentine I have ever received. It read: If I could pick a flower for every time you have added something to my life, it would go on forever. Since you came into my life, it has become fuller and more beautiful.” I’m sure to a certain extent my brother was behind it and knowing that warms my soul. We were estranged for a long time and only now have become not only good friends but loving siblings. It was a shining moment and perhaps you had to be there. I am sensitive which I believe I’ve mentioned in the past and this just touched me so deeply, I can’t even elaborate and that’s unusual for me. I am tired. I am not sleeping well. I woke up this morning to the fan chewing the curtains. It was too close to me (sleeping naked due to the humidity) so I moved it back. Nice play, Shakespeare. So, I will owe the hotel, I assume for the curtains. The manager however is being a good sport about everything. I’m only supposed to get tea and maybe a piece of toast, he’s giving me full breakfasts. He was frightened when they couldn’t find me (another story). I’ve been trying to help him with his computer and he’s so grateful, I have carte blanche when I want it, but I can’t download MSN because it wants a newer version and the only newer version I managed to download was 6.0. He has 6.2!! It’s bizarre but like in China, only in the Phillipines. The staff and I get along beautifully. I make them laugh and they seem to enjoy my company and want to know about my life and being the long winded individual I am (as I’m sure you’ve now learned) I give them details. They follow me around like little puppies. I guess many might treat them as peons. But I am colorblind and would never treat anyone other than an equal unless I was dealt dirt, then no holds barred! I also find the little children seek me out. I’ll be walking along and a little one will grab my leg and look up at me with brown shining eyes and smile. It’s delightful. I’ve always had a special connection with young children.

It is paradise. I woke up early this morning and made my way to a milk white beach covered with snippets of seaweed. The water sparkled. It goes from azure to deep blue as you make your way beyond the shore. Several catamarans were moored, stagnating because the day had not yet begun. People have begun to filter onto here slowly but it is quiet and peaceful and a warm breeze caresses me as I lie on my chaise lounge, trying to tan. The weather here is perfect. It is approximately 80 degrees but there is little humidity on the beach. I am blessed in that I will be here until Saturday when hopefully the airlines will take better care of me. I am now walking along the beach strip which is filled with colorful kiosks of souvenirs and other items. Several merchants sit on the beach stringing beads and selling their wares. Many things are from here but many are from elsewhere and one has to be selective. If I wanted something from Malaysia I would have bought it. They are very happy people. Laughter always resounds through the air. Bartering is a way of life for them and they get a kick out of it. And they all have their sob stories some which may be true but in all likelihood are not.

I was only out 2 hours and am burned and a bit uncomfortable. I forgot it was saltwater and made the mistake of shaving my legs this morning so there’s a rather uncomfortable tingling below my knee. That in addition to the slight ‘burn’” was the incentive to leave the beach for a while and stroll. I was always a fairly strong swimmer (at 16 actually a lifeguard) but I thought after this whole fiasco with my leg I would be incapable of any stamina when swimming. Well today I was pleasantly surprised when I did the crawl beyond where the boats were moored. It was quite a distance. And with a clot in my lung, there was a concern for shortness of breath but that too wasn’t an issue. My strongest stroke, the breast stroke, is a challenged however due to the type of leg motion one must use. I found myself slightly uncoordinated doing it so reverted back to the crawl. I can swim again! Another one of life’s little miracles. I am sure there is an angel on my shoulder right now keeping me safe and well. If not, then it’s just plain luck of the draw and I’m delighted.

I will continue on my walk now along the strip and find a comfortable place to eat. By the time I am done, the sun should have abated and I can resume my comfortable position on the sand.

Night time is magical here. Lots of live singers along the beach singing folk music from the 60’s. They have such lyrical voices. I looked up by my residence and saw a tree frog this evening. He was beautifully camouflaged in the trees. Then there are the numerous geckos running about catching the bugs. They make some funny noises as well. I have met some lovely Scandanavian people and we spend time browsing and eating dinners together and listening to music under the light of the moon. We always walk back along the peripheral of the beach, feeling the water lap up over our toes. It’s very pleasant and very peaceful. The island gets totally quiet by midnight which is unusual since there are so many young people but I suppose they are “spent” by their day. It is a gorgeous place and one that I need more time to connect with. But there will be another time. Just not now. Home is beckoning this time around.

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