Leaked Witness Interview Proves Lexington Detectives Set Up Kavanaugh

A recent interview with the victim of the attempted bus depot attack 2 years ago proves that Lexington detectives decided to ‘pin’ the attack on Pleas Lucian Kavanaugh from the very start. The interview was leaked to LexiLeaks and then passed on to me.

Kavanaugh has been dealing with false arrests for over 10 years. Detective Elizabeth Adams was involved in Kavanaugh’s early arrests a decade ago. Adams does not hide her contempt for Kavanaugh after her loss in those cases.

More recently, Kavanaugh was chosen by Adams’ partner’s daughter, Morgan Persley, as her attacker on October 24, 2009. Detective Adams and Detective Persley have both been demoted to officer after behavior in Persley’s daughter’s case and other cases showed lack of integrity. Kavanaugh was found not guilty at trial in the Persley case.

The bus depot incident happened just five weeks after the Persley incident. However, the victim in this case has been ignored by the prosecution and hidden from the defense for almost two years. Just prior to the upcoming trial in this case the defense was allowed to interview the victim, Laura Baker. Not long after this interview, the prosecution suddenly, after two years, dismissed the case at a status hearing. An investigation into this interview shows clearly why this case was dismissed.

I have taken the interview and divided it into sections to emphasize each piece of evidence proving that Adams decided to pin this on Kavanaugh from the start and did everything she could, regardless of the evidence, to try to convict Kavanaugh of a crime she knew he did not commit.

In order to show that this interview has not been edited in such a way to change the meaning you may listen to the full un-edited interview here. If you would like to listen to the edited version from beginning to end prior to reading you can listen here.

Section 1

In the first section the victim, Laura Baker, discusses several times during the interview that she could not get in touch with either Detective Adams, Detective Persley or the prosecutor. “I was trying to figure out what was going on. I didn’t know if they’d had a trial.” “Like I said, I contacted Detective Persley like four or five times. I even had my mother-in-law call.” “I just said, all right, I guess it’s over. I don’t know what’s going on.”

Once Kavanaugh was chosen as the perpetrator of this crime, they paid no more attention to the victim.

Section 2

Paula, the interviewer for the defense, Kavanaugh’s side, explains to the victim that she is working for the defense. The victim, Laura Baker, explains that she has no problem with that. It is important to note that Baker’s answers to the questions come with full knowledge that she is talking to the defense.

Section 3

This short section emphasizes the fact that there are two victims of civil rights violations when police falsely accuse someone of a crime.

Baker explains that she was four months pregnant when this happened. Baker’s attacker is free to terrorize another victim while Lexington detectives pursued a personal agenda against Kavanaugh.

Section 4

Baker described the scene and the incident in this section. She explains that a police officer is always there but could not be seen at the time and had not parked his car where he usually does.

She describes the attacker as being “geeked out” and on drugs. During the attack he tried to sell her drugs (cocaine) and then tried to get her to leave with him to find or do drugs. Baker talks about a knife being stuck to her ribs and the attacker wore one of those “fluffy” coats, fluffier than hers but the same color.

Detectives Persley and Adams never searched Kavanaugh or his residence for any of these items. Kavanaugh was also never tested for cocaine use.

Section 5

This section begins with a description of the attempted attack on Baker.

At the end, pay attention to the fact that immediately after the victim’s description the detectives told her that they knew it was Kavanaugh. They went on to tell her that he had attacked Detective Persley’s daughter. Since he had already been chosen in that case this proves that they had decided on Kavanaugh prior to the witness identification.

They also claim that he is wanted in several rapes and an attack on another pregnant woman. Both of these are false. They even tell her that she couldn’t have described Kavanaugh better.

Note: She has not yet identified him by first seeing a drawing of him and then later picking him out of several photos of darker black men. Her police report described the attacker as having gold teeth and standing 6-feet to 6-1. Kavanaugh has perfect teeth and is 5-9..

All of these are obvious violations of procedure for witness identification.

They even told her his name prior to the identification procedure which was manipulated to influence her selection of Kavanaugh. I will show this in a later recording related to this interview.

“Well, the description I gave of him was somebody they were already looking for, I guess. They said he was wanted for a few other rapes and an attack on another pregnant woman and an attack on a police officer’s daughter or some, something to that effect. They said I couldn’t have gave a better description of him.”

Section 6

This section of the recording contains no evidence of a crime until the last sentence. I included the rest to show where the attacker ran to and where the officer came from. The exact same location?

The last sentence, “they didn’t find, I think, him until like a week later.” shows that Detective Adams and Persley had decided on Kavanaugh from the start. ‘Him’ meaning Kavanaugh and the context of her sentence showing that she had been told who he was and his name in the beginning. The next section will be further evidence of that.

Picture Selection

This section shows that the victim claims the police came to her house to show her pictures.

Detective Adams claims that she followed protocol and showed a grouping of pictures at the police station. The victim later explains that she was shown a drawing of Kavanaugh prior to picking him out of pictures.

That’s like saying, here’s a picture of the guy: remember it? Then coming back the next day and saying here’s 10 pictures which one is the guy we showed you yesterday?

Section 7

This section is a detailed description of how the attacker ran the same way as the officer down a narrow, alley-type road. Somehow the officer did not see anyone running that way.

A few moments into the recording she states, “Pleas just probably took around the corner so quickly…”. This is further evidence that he was named to her by the police not the other way around. It’s also interesting that she would refer to him by his first name.

Further along she states, “but they found him.” referring to Kavanaugh specifically as “him.”

Section 8

Baker explains that the detectives told her that the cameras at the bus station were not installed in the area of the incident yet. That is not true. As a matter of fact, the cameras were installed and operating but did not show Kavanaugh there that day.

Section 9

The end is the most interesting here because she explains that the police immediately told her it was Kavanaugh when she went in to give her report. This was before any photo line-up!

Then, after she is shown a drawing of Kavanaugh, she is shown pictures of darker black men, Kavanaugh is light skinned, and she identifies Kavanaugh. This information came out in a preliminary hearing. This is all illegal identification procedure.

Section 10

In this section the victim admits that Detective Adams showed her a drawing of Kavanaugh before she identified him in a photo line-up. Another blatant violation of identification procedure.

Section 11

Baker gives a detailed description of her attacker. Besides being clean cut nothing else matches Kavanaugh.

Section 12

In this section the victim describes how her attacker ran the same direction that the cop appeared from moments later. This raises the questions…

How did the officer pass the assailant without noticing him ‘geeked out’ in a ‘puffy coat’ and running while trying to keep from dropping baggies of cocaine? Where was the officer coming from? Why was his car parked on the side of the bus depot that day? Could this ‘attacker’ be associated with Adams and Persley?

Detective Persley is clean cut, light-skinned, black and about 6 feet tall. There is as much evidence or more implicating Persley than Kavanaugh.

Section 13

Finally, we find out that there was a woman present at the other end of the terminal during this entire event. However, the detectives and the prosecution have never mentioned this nor tried to find her as a witness.

Who was this woman? Was she present on the surveillance tapes? Why did the detectives not pursue her as a witness?

Kavanaugh and his attorney plan to file a civil rights case against the city and these officers for these and previous false arrests. He had attempted to put all of this behind him by offering a settlement in a letter to Mayor Jim Gray with no response.

More information and proof that Kavanaugh was set-up in this and the Persley case would surely have come to light had the prosecution not decided to dismiss the case prematurely. Several people have been attempting to obtain the disciplinary file on former detective Persley to no avail. A civil rights case will force the police department to release this file. Should the city decide not to settle with Kavanaugh, motions will be filed and more information will cetainly come out that could cost Lexingtonians in the millions of dollars.

I will release more information on the case as I receive it.

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