How to Stop Wasting Money on Utilities

In today’s economy, every penny you can save counts. Utility costs are rising and many families don’t even attempt to lower them. With a few simple adjustments to your life style, you can save $100 a month or more on your basic utilities.

Phone Systems

Which phone system do you use the most? The proverbial land line or the more modern cell phone. Are you paying for both? Why not cut out the land line and save the money by applying it to your cell phone? Average Savings: $40 per month.

Set Your Thermostat

Set your thermostat lower and grab a sweater or fleece. Consider a programmable thermostat. Studies show that adjusting your thermostat just 5 degrees can significantly lower your power bill. Savings: $50 per month.

The Vampires

Turn off those lights and electronics that you’re not using. Unplug the appliances and plug them in when you use them. Savings: up to $40 per month depending upon the appliances you’re using.


Bundle your internet and your television satellite program. Savings: up to $100 per month depending upon the area you live in.

Reduce Water Use

Add low flow faucets to your bathrooms and kitchens. Take shorter showers and don’t take baths. Use grey water to water plants. Savings: $25 or more per month.

Solar Panels

Take advantage of the suns heating ability. If you own your own home you can install solar panels. Savings: It should pay for itself in a year and you’ll be saving hundreds on your utilities.

Government Assistance

Yes, I know this feels like a step down to many but when you were making good money you paid into funds such as this. Don’t be embarrassed to take advantage of funding when you’re in a needy situation.

For many of us, utilities are a cost that we simply pay whether we can afford it or not. Pay attention to your bill and compare it to previous bills. What did you do differently when the bill was lower? Implementing these tips will help you to reduce your utility costs and save money at the same time.

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